My New Home

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Its my twelfth birthday. I'm alone, like always. But this time, I'm in the woods. My family, they left me here. They don't care about me.... then again, who does? I have always been alone. But, at least I have fans on YouTube... well, I wont have anymore fans if I die out here, now will I? Sigh, I'm wondering around. I walk to a small pond and kneel down. This is a very beautiful area. I got tired and I soon dozed off.

~*~(Slender's pov)~*~

I walked around the woods, seeing if I could find any mortals. And, soon enough, in did find a mortal. But, this mortal, she was just a child. I know that I am known for killing children, but this child... she seemed special. I picked her up and teleported her my mansion, setting her in one of the many empty rooms. I know that she will be a good proxy...

(Your pov)

I slowly wake up, but I'm not in the same place that I fell asleep at. No, i was in a big, empty room. The room was (F/c) and had a computer in the corner. I looked around as I heard the sound of a door opening. I looked at the door and saw a tall, slender figure. I jumped back a bit. "Don't be alarmed, child" he said in a clam voice.

"W-who are you?" I quietly asked.

"Why, I am the one and only Slenderman, child" he responded. 'Will he hurt me?' I thought. And just like he read my mind, he responded.

"No, I will not hurt you, child. But, why were you in the woods alone?" He asked me and i frowned.

"My family left me here alone...." I spoke softly. I stood up as Slender walked over to me.

"We'll, they don't seem nice." He stated and i shook my head.

"They aren't..." I stated sadly.

"Why don't you stay in my mansion with me? I mean, we have a lot of room and only four people stay here. I would take care of you as if you are my own child" he explained and i smiled slightly. Maybe my whole life won't be bad.

"Okay" I said with a smile. "Oh, one question... would I still be able to record my videos? I'm kind of a YouTuber and a lot of people watch my channel..."

"Of course, child" he said with a 'smile' "come on, I will introduce you to my brothers. After I met his three brothers, I went back to my room. Slender gave me money so I can buy equipment to record videos. I got everything and started to set it up in my room. After a while, I heard a knock at my door. I was setting up the green screen.

"Come in!" I called out, smiling. Slender came in the room to see how I was. I finished and stepped back, smiling.

(A/n: yay! A new Fan Fiction! Lol. I'm gonna try to update my second chapter tonight as well, even though its late...)

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