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Your alone...You can only feel the bitter cold biting you harshly...Your god tier out fit does little to protect you from the pain... You wonder where your friends are...Maria the Seer of Breath, Alex the Prince of Doom, Laura the Maid of Space, and Jasper the Heir of Time...
"1ND33D! 1 C4N SM3LL H3R H34RTB34T!"
"Shouldn't you give her some room to breath? Crowding around her will only make it wor-"
"Yo Rose. Take the serious dial to a Negative 4999. And keep those grim, ironic all knowing lips sealed."
You could hear so many voices around...Two of the voices were male...The other two from what you could tell were female.
You use whatever strength you have left to open your eyes. Grey skinned, human like things, with candy corn like horns are the first thing you see...Trolls... You remember vaguely meeting one...What was her name...Aradia?
"W-who are you..." You manage to say, your voice weak from lack use. One of them who is wearing a similar outfit to you, speaks up.
"The names Dave Strider, lover of apple juice, and player of sick beats But enough about how cool and utterly ironic I am. Tell me who are you."
You lick your lips, moving a stray piece of (h/c) hair out of your face.
"I-I'm (f/n) (l/n). The Knight of Life."
"OH THAT'S FUCKING GREAT ANOTHER KNIGHT DESTINED TO FAIL." You turn to the loud mouth troll, and study him. Small Nubby horns, shaggy black hair and a black sweater with a cancer symbol on it.
You curve your lips into a sad like smile and turn back to Dave, "Dave I guess you're the knight of time?" He nodded. You turn to the male troll, "What's your name?" He scoffed.
"KARKAT VANTAS. THE ONE WITH THE CREEPY AS HELL GRIN ON HER FACE IS TEREZI. THE ONE THAT'S COVERED IN VIOLET AND JADE BLOOD IS KANAYA." A female wearing a sear of light god tier outfit smiled shyly, "And I am Rose, please to make your acquaintance (y/n)."
"The pleasure is mine rose." You're weary of these people. But you have no idea where you are, where your friends are, or if they're even alive. So your best option is to trust these people won't betray you.
"HEY! EARTH TO (Y/N)! LISTEN TO ME YOU MORONIC HUMAN!" You blinked, wondering how you didn't hear his voice before.
"Sorry. I zoned out." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly. He sighed.
"WHATEVER. JUST FUCKING GET INSIDE. I DON'T THINK YOUR FLESH BAG OF A BODY WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP YOU WARM." Your face flushed. Did he actually care about you? shake the thought from your mind. 'He probably just didn't want me dead...' You think. The girl you think is Terezi grins at you.
"YOU SM3LL L1K3 CANDY 4PPL3S 4ND M1NT!" You take in the fact that she maybe blind. It wasn't that hard to figure out. Blocked glasses+Walking cane+sharp sense of smell=Blindness.
You slowly got up, your legs shaking,"Thank you. You smell like blue raspberry." You take in her appearance once again, semi-long black hair, red blocked glasses, sharp pointed horns, and a blue and red jumpsuit like outfit.
"Do you require help walking?" An unfamiliar voice asked you. You looked up seeing the female troll covered in violet and Jade blood, Kanaya.
You faintly blush embarrassed, "Actually yes...I do." She smiled and walked over, putting her arm around you. She walked you inside, and instantly you felt cold. The slight sent of blood caught your nose.
'Many have died here...' You didn't know how you knew that. Maybe it had to do with your aspect being life.

~Small time skip~

You sat on a couch, despite them making you a blanket you were still cold. To your right was Dave with his headphones on, to your left was Rose knitting and talking to Kanaya.
" -So Jade said it could last 3 years."
You blinked. You quickly turned to Rose. "Rose. What do you mean by 'it could last 3 years?" You were terrified. Would you be stuck on this meteor for 3 years?!
"Well, you see (y/n). Our other friends, John and Jade, are on a different path to the same place as us. And we will arrive at the location and meet with them in approximately 3 years."
You tugged at your (h/c) hair.
"Oh Rose that's not the right colour!"
"Do you dudes have any apple juice?"
"Oh dear! This stitching is all wrong!"
"If I my say. It needs to be a shade of lilac not a light purple."
"Dudes. Apple juice. Yes or Yes? There's never no when it comes to apple juice."
"You are absolutely right! I must start over at once!"
You burry you face into your hands and sigh. This...Was going to be a very long trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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