Ch. 1: Robin; A Kind Beauty

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Hey just some info about the story. The character that will be you (my lovely readers) is named Robin. She is Princess Chomp-chomp and Peach's cousin. And in this Bowser is a human, but is still Kupa King. I will post my rendering of him on the next chapter (I will be drawing it). And I write this on my phone so I apologize for short chapters. Please enjoy.

Robin sighed softly, walking through the forest with her faithful chomp-chomp, Rex. She was on her way home from seeing her cousin, Peach, for a party she was throwing for Mario. The sun was being to set, and the sky was getting a pretty orange/pink color. To be quite frank, Robin hated Mario. He was loud, quite cruel to her chomp-chomps, and was always messing things up. But she bit her tongue for the sake of Peach. Robin knew her cousin loved Mario and only wished for her happiness.

Robin let out a soft hum, looking around the peaceful forest. The birds were chirping, the animals chittering, and the owl starting his cry, telling everyone to sleep. Suddenly, Rex stopped, sniffing the air. Robin looked around, gripping the front of her midnight blue dress.

"What is it Rex? Is something wrong?" She asked, placing a hand on Rex's side. He looked up. Robin looked up to see a little boy in a tree, unconscious. He had fiery red hair, that swayed softly in the wind. A bandana with a big, sharp toothed grin was tied around his neck and armor-like shells on his body. On places on his body the skin was tinted green and looked as if he had scales. Also on his forehead were two small, dull horns and there was a small tail coming from the back of his black shorts. She gasped when she saw how beat up he was, cuts and bruises all over the boy's body.

"Oh no... Rex! Um... Y-you bump the tree, a-and I'll catch him!" Robin suggested, readying herself under the boy. Rex barked once and went over to the tree. Robin gave a nod and Rex head-butted the tree once. The child rocked a little and fell, plummeting towards her. She easily caught him and cradled him to her chest, kneeling on the ground.

"You poor thing... Who would do this to a child...?" she asked, stroking the boy's fluffy red hair. He groaned softly, stirring. "O-oh! Rex, my bag." She told him.

The chomp-chomp quickly came over, leaning so Robin could get the grab her bag from the back of the black beast. She pulled a black handkerchief from her sleeve. She opened the bag and grabbed the bottle of water, pouring some on the handkerchief. She bit her pale pink bottom lip and gently pressed the handkerchief to the cut on the boy's cheek. He winced away, sucking in a pain-filled breath through his teeth, which she noticed were pointed.

"Oh, good! You're awake." Robin said softly, gently dabbing the cut. He winced away again, trying to get away from her.

"H-Hey! Quit! You're hurt!" Robin exclaimed, holding him to her. He struggled, pushing her away frantically.

"L-let me go!" he cried. He stood to run but, as soon as he put weight on his left foot, he crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain. He curled into himself, holding his ankle. Robin gasped, jumping up and rushing to him.

"Here, let me see..." She cooed, gently taking his ankle in her hands. He whimpered as she examined it closer. She bit her lip.

"It looks like you sprained it pretty good..." Robin rifled through her bag and got medical wrapping. The boy looked her over as she wrapped his ankle. She had soft looking moonbeam hair with skin that was pale as ivory and as smooth as porcelain. Her eyes were dark like the night sky with flakes of baby blue. Her dress was midnight blue, which made her look that much more pale, but it fit her beautifully.

'She's really pretty...' He thought with a blush. She wrapped the ankle to keep it still, then started tending to the cuts on his knees. He took a nervous breath and asked, "Who are you? A-and why are you helping me...?"

Robin looked up at him, slightly surprised that he was talking to her. She stopped momentarily, but soon placed a bandaid on the boy's knee.

"My name is Robin, people call me Princess Chomp-chomp. And I'm doing what any decent person would do, I'm helping a hurt child." She explained, her small, soft, feminine hands wrapping gauze around his bleeding elbows. "What's your name?" She asked, smiling softly. He blushed.

"My daddy calls me B.J. ." B.J. informed her, watching her work.

"How far is your home?" Robin asked, tending his cheek. He gave her a suspicious look.

"Why do you wanna know?" B.J.asked, fiddling with the Kupa shell on his back. She giggled, it sounding like a dove's coo.

"If it's close I'll take you home, you can't walk alone. You're hurt." She told him. She used medical tape to put a gauze square on his cheek, then place a bandaid on the scratch above his eyebrow. "There, all done."

"What if it's not close...?" he asked, looking down at his lap. 'She's gonna leave me alone out here, I know it...' he thought, sadly.

"Well..." She looked up in thought, "It's getting dark, so how about, I take you home with me, feed you, give you a hot bath and a soft bed to sleep in. Then in the morning, I take you home?" Robin asked with a kind, sincere smile.

B.J.'s eyes lit up. Take him home with her!? He's just a random kid, and she was being so kind to him...

"R-really...?" B.J. asked, sitting up. She giggled again, nodding.

"You seem like a nice boy and good company. I haven't had anyone over in a long time..." She stood, brushing the dirt from her dress. She leaned down and picked up B.J., holding him on her hip like a mother would her child. He wrapped his arms around her neck to keep from falling. She smiled, climbed into Rex's back, and started towards Chomp-chomp Castle.

"So B.J., if I may ask, who did this to you?" Robin asked B.J., still holding him as the rode. He looked down with a sad pout on his face.

"The mean plummer man in red..." he said softly, tears welling up in his orange eyes. Robin gasped in shock.

"Mario did this to you!? Why on Earth would he do that?" She asked, hugging him close. "You're a child, what harm could you possibly do?" He sniffled, burying his face in her neck. 'No one holds me like is but daddy...' He thought, letting the tears fall.

"I just- just wanted ta help- my dad-dy!" he sobbed loudly, hiccuping as he talked. "He's so- sad, 'cause mama don'- don' love him! I-I just wanted him- ta be ha-ppy again!" Tears poured from B.J.'s eyes as he sobbed into Robin's shoulder.

"Shh~, shh~, it's okay~... Don't cry B.J., everything is okay...~" She soothed, rocking him and, rubbing his back. She took out her handkerchief and gently wiped away B.J.'s tears with the silk square.

His face was now splotchy and red. His eyes were red and his nose was runny from the tears. She gave the little boy a soft smile and wiped his nose as well. She kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry that your daddy is sad. Maybe tomorrow when I take you home, I'll see if there is anything I can do to help, okay?" Robin asked, stroking his hair. He nodded, sniffing. Rex barked, indicating that they were home. She smiled.

"Welcome to Chomp-chomp Castle."

Hey guys, I hope you all liked it, more chapters to follow!

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