I woke up today with the smell of pancakes, and, surprisingly, no screaming. Its a miracle! She's dead! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Spoke to soon. I got out of my bed. Put my hair In a messy bun and went down the stairs. Then I saw a note on the kitchen table.
Hi Girls. me and dad have gone shopping! We will see you around 12. You can cope with yourselves..right? and Saima, Nicole rang this morning asking if you can go out with her about 10. and for Arianna she can go and fan girl over Justin Bieber. SHOCK! Love ya girls xox
O my gosh. So I am stuck here with my annoying sister... Wait, no I am not! NICOLE! o my gosh Nicole! Nicole is my best friend! We can talk to each other about anything! Oh I love her to pieces. Bless... I had my pancakes and it was sunny out so I decided to put on my shorts. and a vest with my sandals. "Arianna I am going out!" I shouted I shouted as I took a step out the front door "W-w-w-w-woah there shawty" SHAWTY! WHAT! She is like Justin's sister. O my. "Urrm.. what?" I was confused. "Where's Mum and dad." She questioned looking at me like I just killed 5 people "They went shopping. I didn't want to distract you from Justin." "JUSTIN!" She shouted as she ran back up stairs. I feel sorry for her. She has issues, I walked out the door and started to walk to her house.
I walked to her house and knocked on her door. And was greeted by her brother. "Ugh it's you... NICOLE! SAIMA HERE!" He said. His name is Jaden he is 14 and me and Nicole are 16. "Hi to you to. And I have ears you know." "Yeah I know. I am surprised you still have them hanging around with Nicole." I slapped him and then Nicole pushed him out the way. "Hey.. Wanna go park?" "Sure. leggo!" "Leggo?" "Don't ask me, ask and blame my sister." I giggled
We got to the park and just sat and talked for a hour. Then I got a text from my mum I know your probably out now but nan just text us saying we can go down to LA to see her. We are leaving tomorrow. I have booked tickets all ready to get there. Pack when you get back. We are going for a week! love you xox mum "OMG NICOLE IM GOING TO LA TO SEE MY NAN!" I screamed "O god Saima when!" "TOMORROW!" I shouted "TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!" Nicole Laughed "I wish.. Wait. No I don't wanna go." "Saima... are you kidding me! LA is where all the big stars are like... oh Justin Bieber.. Uh oh..." "I feel sorry for myself" " I would be to" she said with a wink.
I got home and Mum, dad and Arianna was packing already. "Hunny get packing!" My dad yelled. "Ok!" I ran up stairs and packed. Oh the joys. This will be even worse. I tried not to think about that and I packed, I packed clothes, make-up, accessories, and money that I have been saving up for ages. I have saved up £300 from 2 years to now. I was quite pleased to be fair. Then I packed my diary and camera. "Done!" I shouted "Done!" My parents said "DAAWWWWNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" Arianna screamed. Trust Arianna to scream...