Part 3

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I was shocked!When the teacher came in everyone(really everyone with An)spoke!And teacher didn't try quiet class.But my old teacher used to shout.Spanish teacher did not anything.It looks like a joke but it isn't.Only I was reserved.Strange.Okay.Never mind.All of the lesson they spoke.When the last bell rang,I was taking my books.I put my books in my rucksack."Em...Anna?" "An." she did remind me."Ok,An."I did a highlight to "An"."So what?" "Would you like to meet me with someone?" I asked."Sure.Tomorrow,right?" "Yes.And please give me your phone number tomorrow."I added. She shook her head."By the way,don't forget to look your e-mail." "Why?" I surprised." You'll have a homework." She got out of the class.Then I too.

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