People have always asked me at school if I believe in ghosts. I would always say no. That was when I was ignorant and talked without proper knowledge of what I was speaking about. The truth is, I hadn't ever believed in ghosts, spirits, apparitions, etc. The summer of 2015 was the Summer that changed my whole outlook. If you asked me today, I would say Yes, I do believe in ghosts now.
As a reminder, this is not my typical book. In my other books I talk in first person about miscellaneous fake characters. This story is 100% true and I am speaking as ME IronCreeper, But my real name is Evan.
The very first time I ever started to believe in ghosts was when my Aunt used to tell stories about her haunted house. Then my brother and sister in law, who has a Wattpad too. VanHaley17. They both invited me to go to a cemetery. We pulled in and all of a sudden I felt a deep dark, sad, depressing feeling of agony and suffering. I couldn't stop the feelings. Along with the nerve racking placement of the cemetery. It was surrounded by woods. My brother, Chris, started recording audio to collect an EVP which is an Electronic Voice Penomenon. In other words, if spirits spoke we could hear them as we played it back. We started driving on a road right by some woods on our way out. All of a sudden my heart sinks and I feel deep anger and rage as Haley gasped. She was looking out the window and I followed her eyes. We both saw leaves of trees splitting apart angrily as if someone, something were angry we were there and we sped out of there. Haley went silent. She was acting weirdly until we got home. Then she was normal and said she felt like she was herself.