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How is it possible for people to get rich even though they have not finished their education and they don't have a degree? In order to answer this topic question, a research on the people who are said to be "rich" without finishing their formal education was conducted. Tips from self-help authors, Mr. Robert Kiyosaki and Mr. Wallace Wattles, were also sought through their books to give information on financial education which is not taught in schools. The story of a man who was able to rise from poverty was also included in this essay. People that are called "rich" are rich because of certain traits and character. Some of these traits are confidence and courage to face problems and failures. The "rich" became rich not by sitting on a chair and waiting for money to fall from the sky, but by doing something or making a move. Money is not something grown on trees. People need to work for it. This essay aims to provide information on the traits and character of the rich people and what they did in order to reach their current position or status in life. Another aim of this essay is to inform the public about the importance of financial education and specialization on a specific field.

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