Part 3

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When I stepped out of my car I got really dizzy. My feet felt like they were going to colapse under me. I fell over on my car. "Whats... happening?" I managed to breath out. I felt like I was under some kind of trance suddenly red, blue, and green puffs of smoke shot all around the yard leaving the dry, dead grass blown away from that area. Then I got a huge head ache and fainted. When I awoke I was laying on my car.

"This place has problems." I said to myself.

I unloaded my stuff and got all of it in the house. The house had a horrible smell and I couldn't tell where it was comming from. It smelt like something was rotting. I walked around the house as the floor squeeked beneath my feet. Then, I figured out where it was coming from: Under the old, falling apart bed. I stood there unable to move. What could it be? I was in disbelife. This is where a dead guy would totaly fit the senery. I took a deep breath and looked under the bed.

"EWWW!" I screamed. There it was. Rotting cheese. I took a deep breath out.

"And I thought it was going to be a dead guy, wow." I said to myself. I grabbed my broom and swept up the cheese.

"This is discusting." I stoped. I stoped because it reminded me of my mom. Any time there was something gross she would be the one to sweep it up and say this is discusting. I finished sweeping up the cheese and sat down on the old couch with old, rotting brown paint. But when I sat down, the couch snapped in half. Ya that makes me feel like a super model. I curled up in a ball an sat on the, now in half, couch.

"Why did I even move here?" I asked myself in a half whisper "Nothing's right."

"Katlyn." I heard in that same eery, low pitched moan I had in the car only this time it was realy clear. My heart sunk.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!?" I screamed. Why did it have to be me? I don't understand. I ran out of the house and got in my car.

"There is something wrong with this place and something is here, I have to go," I paused "But if I go back will they follow me? Will I put my whole family in danger?" I got back out of my car. I took a deep breath and went back inside. Everything was clean. It had an unfermiliar glow to it. Not like the shiney 'it's so clean it's glowing' glow or an abandon ghostship green glow but just a glow. I can't really explain it.

I decided to go out side for a while. I looked out by my old, rusty, falling-apart mailbox. There was a guy standing there. I stayed in place. He slowly approched me. He was standing infront of me so our faces were about a foot apart. I took a step back. Really, I was going to have to be the first to talk?

"Who are you?" I simply asked. I did not want to give out any unnecessary informaition.

"I'm your new neighbor." he said

"This is the middle of nowhere, and just to let you know I'm not a retard I almost have my college degree in physics." Great, information he didn't need to know.

"Wait, I thought you just graduated from highschool." he questioned me.

"I did, I went post-secondary." God, I have to learn how to shut my mouth. Wait, how did he know that I just graduated highschool?

"I-I just heard that from someone, word gets around pretty fast down here." he said correcting himself.

"Oh." I said because I didn't have anything else to say.

"Ya" obviously he has nothing else to say either so I ended the conversation.

"Okay, well I better be getting back to my house, I've got alot of cleaning up to do."

"Your not going in there are you?" he asked

"This is my house... why does it matter?" okay, this is weird.

"Well that's the house Mr. Edson died in." he replied and smirked because he knew he had caught my attention.

"Tell me more," I said concerned.

"Well this happened about twenty years ago," Oh yah and I'm 19... "And Mr. Edson used to live there, now, this ghost town used to be a pretty nice sized town, I mean there were people and houses everywhere! It was really beautiful, I was three or four then but I can remember little bits of it, it was amazing! Anyways, one day people started to hear screams comming from that house. People would go knock on the door and Mr. Edson would open it with a horrified look on his face. He said that there were ghosts in there that wanted to kill him. No one believed him and just ignored it. Then, one day he was found dead in his house, the doctor said there is no such thing as ghosts, even though he was obviously puzzled, but everyone else now thinks that ghosts are real and it was the ghosts who killed him."

"Well it could have been a heart attack." I said trying to convince myself that nothing paranormal happened.

"No, Doc would have known if it was a heart attack, he didn't know what it was, it was like Mr. Edson just died spontaneously." My heart sunk.

"Whatever..." I said under my breath.

"Look I have to get to town or whatever store is closest."

"There's actually a store down the road," he looks at me for a while "Ya know, your not going to get very far with a flat tire."

I look over and sure enough, I had a flat. Now what was I supposed to do?

"I can give ou a ride if you'd like."

"Oh, thanks, that would be great," I paused "Where's your car?"

"At my house I'll go get it." he replied.

He turned around and started to run twords the opening in the woods. All the time I couldn't help but think of that story. Was it true or was he just trying to scare me? Either way I was not going back in there until he got back. Who was he anyways? I never got his name...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2011 ⏰

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