Chapter 8- Champions

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Randy, Dad, and I are on our way to Kansas City to RAW in Randy's bus. Last night was Extreme Rules, and Randy won. But dad went into a draw against Ryback. Dad is still pretty banged up and sore. (Well why wouldn't he be? He went through a lit wall!) He hasn't been saying much. He's been awfully quiet and that worries me. But at least he didn't lose the championship. Tonight is a big night for me, too. Tonight is the night I face Kate for the first ever WWE Youth Divas Championship. We are both one and one against each other, which makes me nervous because we are both capable of beating each other. Tonight I have a chance to make history. To show the world that the little one is capable of being a champion. Also, I could be a champion the same time as dad. That would mean the world to me. I want dad to be proud of me, same with mom up above. And when dad's going to he revealed as my father? I have no idea, just saying.

I'm sitting across from Randy, and my leg is moving up and down in little motions because of my anxiety and excitement of tonight. "Addison, calm down!" Randy said putting a hand on my leg to stop it from moving. "I can't! I'm so nervous." I said. "You'll do fine, and Addi, we aren't even to the arena yet." Randy said lifting is hand from my leg. "How do I stop it?" I asked Randy. "I don't something to keep your mind distracted." "Like what?" I groaned. "Xbox?" He asked. I didn't say anything and he turned it on and tossed me a controller. 'Worth a try.' I said to myself. I put in WWE 13 and played as Sheamus and Randy played as himself. After 2 matches of dominating Randy, I said "Randy, pick up your game." I said laughing. "Hey! This is confusing, too many buttons." He said laughing at himself. "Oh, Randall." I said teasing him. Then dad said, "Let me give it a try." He took the controller from Randy. We played for another half hour, I only won 2 out of like 6 matches. "Jeez, dad! You're good!" I said and turned the Xbox off as we arrived into the arena. "Just got lucky today." Dad said, playfully punching me. I smiled at him and got my stuff and walked into the arena.

I found the divas locker room and set my bag down. I walked out as saw they were setting up the ring an making sure the titantron was working. I looked around for my friends, but there was no sign of them. I was excited to see my friends Brina and Gabe. I haven't seen them in a long time, so I couldn't wait to see them. I texted Shay saying "Where the heck are you guys?!" And a few minutes later my phone vibrated. Shay answered "Look up to your left." I looked up and I saw them waving at me from the very top row of the arena. I waved back and signaled I was on my way up. After finding my way up, I yelled "Gabe! Brina!" I ran up to them and gave them huge hugs. Brina has brown hair and is a great artist, Gabe is medium height and quiet, but when he's with us, he is not quiet at all. Shay, Lexi, Mary, and Mo was there with them too. I sat down next to them after I said hi to everyone. "So, today's the big day!" Lexi said excitedly. "Yea, I'm actually really nervous." I said. "You'll do awesome!" Gabe said. "Thanks guys." I said laughing. "Why are you guys here? Do you have matches?" I asked them. "No, we have a backstage scene though." Mary said. "What's it about?" I asked. "We secretly here the 'wolf pack' talking about how you don't deserve a title match then we stick up for you, we brawl, the other divas break us up." Mo said simply. I nodded smiling in satisfaction. "The divas who break us are Natalya and Layla I think." Brina added. "Have fun!" I said laughing. "Oh we will." Shay said evilly rubbing her hands together. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "What?" I can finally get my hands on them." Shay said.

We stayed up there talking for another hour or so when Dad texted me saying we had to come down because people would be coming in soon. We went down and headed towards catering. I got some fruit and ate while Gabe asked "When is John going to reveal your his daughter?" "I don't know actually. Vince hasn't mentioned anything about it." "Oh. And I'm sorry about your parents, Addi." Gabe said quietly. When he said that, I immediatly almost started to cry. No one has brought it up in almost a few months. Gabe saw my watery eyes and said "Oh my gosh Addi I didn't mean too." "It's ok. Not your fault." I said and sucked up the urge to cry and ate my fruit in silence. As the superstars filed in like Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, the Bellas, AJ and more. Everyone wished me good luck, and I thanked them for their support. When RAW started, I started getting jittery. It was almost time. The match was the last match before the main event, so I had awhile to get ready. But there was no sign of dad in tonight's RAW. Which was weird. Maybe he's still not ready from last night. I had Mary come with me to help me choose which gear to wear. I chose a navy and yellow cut off tank top, similar to AJ's plaid gear (mine isn't plaid though) and black jean shorts. I chose a silver studded belt to finish off the outfit. I put on my knee pads and navy blue knee high converse with it. After my friends all said good luck to me, and saying a prayer, I was called to gorilla mode. Dad walked me up. Kate's music hit first. She went out did her stupid pose of blowing kisses and what not. As she was posing, dad whispered "You can win this. Go out and do your best, I believe you can do this." I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks dad." I said. He kissed the top of my head. My theme music "Cinema" (radio edit) hit by shrillex started saying 'A cinema . Cinema.' Then I made my way out. The crowd cheered, which made me smile. I ran down the ramp and slid under the ropes, kind of like dad. I walked up to Kate, then the ref started to separate us. I smirked at her and Justin Roberts said "The following match is scheduled for one fall. It is for the first ever WWE Youth Divas Championship! Introducing first...Kate!" Kate cupped her hand like a spoon and waved a queen wave at the crowd. Not much of a response came from the crowd except a few boos here and there. "And her opponent....Addison!" I smiled and nodded cockily at the crowd to annoy Kate. They cheered and I noticed Kate making a devilish face at me. My plan had work! Haha!

The ref yelled "Ring the bell!" And the bell rang three times. We circled each other quickly, getting ready for the first move when out of no where came a loud, obnoxious "Excuse me!" It was Vickie Guerrero. She walked out to the top of the ramp and again said "Excuse me! My name is Vickie Guerrero and I'm the managing supervisor of Monday Night Raw. Now ladies, I understand that it's the night after Extreme Rules, and I think the WWE universe wants something better than this." She said and pointed at us disgustingly. I shook my head at her annoyingly. "So I'm adding a stipulation. This match is now declared as a STEEL CAGE MATCH!" The crowd cheered in excitement. I yelled at her from the ring. "What?" I yelled and gave her a 'are you crazy look' and watched the steel cage get lowered down. I rolled my eyes. Divas NEVER have had a steel cage match. This was scary. The cage stands at 20 feet above the ground. 'This won't be good.' I said to myself. The ref had the bell ring again 3 times and the match officially started.

After 10 minutes of pushing and shoving eachother into the cage, I started to feel tired. I had scratches all over me from the cage. None of us have tried to escape yet. I didn't want to win escaping the cage, I wanted to pin her, and that is exactly what I'm going to do. Determined, I round house kicked her and she fell to the ground. I pinned her and she kicked out at 2 and a half. Being only 5'1, I jumped onto her back, and she is around 5'8 or 5'9 I imagine. I put her into a sleeper hold. She started giving out, but found the rope right when she was about to pass out. I was forced to stop and she clotheslined me. I layed on the ground and she started climbing the cage. I got up and grabbed her foot, and pulled her down. She lost her grip and hard to the ground. I punched and kicked her multiple times. Then I dragged her a few feet diagonally from the corner of the ring. I climbed to the top turnbuckle. I looked back and made sure she was in position I did a flying moonsault and landed on her belly. I pinned her and the ref said "1....2....3!" The bell rang and I hid my face in my hands. I started crying tears of joy.

I couldn't feel anything. I felt like I was in a dream. The crowd cheered "Addi-son!" As the ref helped me up and raised my arm in victory. I cried as he handed me the championship belt. It was like the divas belt except only smaller and was purple, not pink. I took it and raised it high above my head to the crowd. I climbed up the cage and sat on top facing the ramp. I wiped some tears as my music continued playing. Then all of the sudden, Dad's music hit and he came our. I smiled at him who was walking towards me. He had a microphone in hand and climbed up the cage and sat next to me. "Ladies and gentleman, you just witnessed history!" He said into the microphone. The crowd cheered in agreement. "I have something to announce." He said. "This champion you are seeing right someone very special to me." He paused and looked at me. "She's my daughter." The crowd yelled and dad said "I'm very proud to say that the Cena's came home with the gold tonight!" He said telling happily. He wrapped his arm around me and smiled at me. The crowd cheered "Let's Go Cena!" And I continued crying happy tears. Dad held up my arm and we held up our titles in the other hands. After a while we went back up the ramp and when we were at the top, we had our backs to the crowd, and we held our titles up at the same time, so the title was facing the crowd. And that ended the best, most magical night of my night.

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