Meeting your love (Ethan)

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                      Meeting Ethan

You were in your locker getting out your binders and books to head to class when you heard big loud foot steps getting closer to you, you turned around and it was your best friend. Hey girl there's this new boy in school, rumour has it he's really cute. You acted like you didn't really care but you did. "Um okay I have to go to class" you locked up your locker and when you turned your head there he was, you could tell he was the new kid because you never seen him around before, your eyes locked with his as he was holding his backpack and pulled it up on his shoulders more and smiled and continued on. You got butterflies in your stomach because he was really cute and so was his smile.

After your last class of the day the bell rang and you packed up your books and started to head out  when you looked up at the teacher and saw him, the new guy he was talking to the teacher but it had nothing to do with you so you walked out of class and he started to catch up with you. "Hey" he said, hey you got a little nervous talking to such a cutie. What's your name? He said, (Y/N) and you? Ethan, I'm new here and I'm kinda nervous just because I don't know where I'm going, can you lead me to my locker its 08 but i don't know where it exactly is. Of course you said you walked and talked and laughed a whole lot and you both enjoyed each other's company and you didn't want it to end. I've got to go Ethan said talked to you tomorrow maybe? You said yes, you really liked him, he was sweet funny and good looking you wanted to get to know him better.

Weeks and weeks later you guys were great friends but you wanted closer then friends and you thought he felt the same. At lunch in school one day he asked you if you wanted to go out sometime for supper you for sure said yes. Days after it was the night of the date, you had skinny jeans and a pretty lace top with curled hair. After a couple minutes you heard the door bell ring, you quickly sprayed some perfume on and ran to the door you slipped on your flats and opened the door. There was Ethan you looked at him and he start to blush, you look beautiful he said. Thank you, you smiled you know this was going somewhere other then just friends and your were so exited. When you got to the restaurant he pulled out your chair and you sat down, he pulled you back into the table and he went around and sat down himself. You felt like it was getting awkward but you weren't worried. When you got your menus you looked at it to see what you wanted, you could tell Ethan was staring at you up and down so you fixed your self up a little bit as well as your hair. (Y/N) he said, I'm really happy I got to know you for a little while now. Your an amazing person and your so damn adorable he said. You smiled really big and blushed, right back at you and winked, he laughed. You new he was the one and you were ready for a fresh new start with the boy you liked

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