Day 1-3(not complete)

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(Note most crafting recipes will be ate the end) SO if you stayed then here's the first thing you'll have to do is when you start you survival. first you'll need to gather materials such as wood or stone.  (Note to collect stone you need a pickaxe of any kind) Next use these materials to build a house big enough to fit a bed, a double chest, a crafting bench, and a furnace. the house can be as big as you want as long as it has a roof because spiders will climb over the the side of your house. The next day you'll have to collect more wood so you can make your basic tool set. so the basic tool set is made out of wooden plankes and sticks. now in order to actually make them you'll need a crafting bench. To make it you place 4 wooden planks in the small 2x2 square in your inventory tab. To make sticks you take 2 wooden planks and place it vertical in the 2x2 square in the inventory tab or crafting bench you might or might not have already made. make a pick if you dont have one, before you make a sword take your pick and mine up 16 stone and make a stone pickaxe, a stone axe, a stone sword, and a furnace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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