Chapter 2

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Ok guys this is when the Malik comes in ;)

I hope you guys like it :)




-----New House-----

I stared at the house in front of us in awe, it was huge!! It looked a lot like the house next door.

'This is OURS?' I asked my mom, just to make sure we didn't stop at the wrong house.

'Yep I knew youd like it' she winked 'Go ahead and explore the house, I'll be right with you when I finish telling the moving men where to place all of the furniture.' She said and motioned to the house.

I walked through the door and wandered around. I was still surprised that this house is ours. I mean, it's huge! I like it like that but it will be a bit empty with only 2 people living inside. As I peeked around I finally found my room and I could tell it was mine because of all of my boxes had been carried here and my furniture too.

It was a great room but too big to be honest. It was practically empty, even with all of my furniture inside! I sighed and started to unpack my boxes and placing the objects where they belonged. I placed the photo frames on the dresser and then I frowned once I saw the pictures. They were pictures of me and my dad, I missed him. I missed him badly. I started hanging my clothes up in the large walk in closet. Once I was finished I had barely filled any of it.

I finally finished putting my things away and went downstairs to go and stay with my mom for a while, before it was time to sleep. I walked down the stairs and found her hanged up the paintings throughout the house.

'Hey mom.' I said and she beamed down on me.

'Don't you love it?' She said and gestured around.

'Yeah, way better than the old house!' I said and smiled. My stomach started growling and I just noticed I was hungry.

'We will order pizza, if you want. And then we can watch a movie' She smiled and I nodded. We had a really close mother and daughter relationship. I started thinking about the new things that would happen here. I would have to go to a new school and everything. Worry struck me... I was going to be a new kid, Ugh!

'Ordered the pizza, it going to arrive in about 10 minutes' She said and sat next to me. She saw my worried/annoyed expression. 'Whats wrong?' she asked with concern.

'Its just that I'm going to be the new kid at school, and I will REALLY miss having Kylie here with me at school' she pulled me in for a tight hug, she understood me.

'Don't worry, sweetie... You'll find some friends and get used to being new' she said trying to make me feel better but to be honest I didn't. We started talking about where my school was and how I was going to get my schedule tommorrow that told me all of my classes, and how I was going to get a day off just to get used to the surroundings of my new home.

The doorbell startled me when It rang. My mom got up and answered the door. She said 'Thank you' and kindly smiled as the man gave her pizza and she handed him the money. She sat back down on the couch opened the lid. The smell filled my nostrils and my mouth started watering.

'Alright, alright. You can dig in now' She chuckled as I quickly took a peice and began to eat it. I was hungry.

We had finished the pizza about an hour later as we exchanged small talk about the new house. By the time we finished it was too late to watch a movie and decided to go to sleep because my mom had a job interview early in the morining. We exchanged good nights and we both headed upstairs into our rooms.

I jumped in my bed and took in the good smell of the new sheets. When I realized I was wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans I decided to change into some pajamas before I went to sleep. I picked out some mint colored fuzzy shorts and a gray Hollister shirt and walked back into the room. I stripped myself of clothing and left only my panties and bra on.

I heard wolf whistling and immediatly snapped my head to the direction the sound came from. It was from the outside the window, it was my neighbor from the house next door and It was a boy! He had his window open too and I guess when he looked outside his window and he basically saw strip right in front of him... of COURSE I had to forget to close the window! As quickly as I could dove away from his sight and I put my pjs on. I looked back outside to my own risk and this time the boy was outside in his backyard and he waved to me and gestured for me to go outside. Should I listen to him and go out and see him or should I just stay put in my room? I decide to go outside, stupidly. I look outside and then nod to show him that im coming and he just smiled. Before I went out side I checked to see if she was awake or not and thank god she had fallen asleep. I snuck outside of the house as quietly as I could so I wouldnt wake her up and get in trouble. As I shut the door and turned around and the guy standing there, on my porch.

To be Continued... xD


The neighbor is Zayn btw.. if ya didnt assume already.


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