26. I'm happy again

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26. I'm happy again

May 12, 2016

Harry wanted me to be mad at him so I'm mad at him. I guess I did lose my way with the whole drinking and partying but I'm done with that now. I'm going back to being myself. Harry was right, he did hurt me and I shouldn't be rushing things to go back to him. I don't fully trust him and now that I fully got my mind together, I don't know if I want to be with him. I'm scared to be with him again, he lied to me the whole time we were together. How do I know he's not going to lie again? I have to protect my heart now. Harry has changed but just how much as he changed, is the question.

"Hey Hales"

"Hey Layla" I smiled.

"You seem better"

"I am and I'm sorry for what I put you through in the last few months"

"That's what friends are for babe"

I smiled "I'm going to talk to Harry and finally lay down the law with him"

Layla laughed "so you know what you want?"

"Yes! I do want to be with him but I don't fully trust him and he's going to have to earn my trust back and win me over"

"Good for you Hales"

"It took me months to get here" I laughed.

"Do you forgive him?"

"I don't know if I do"

"Well you also have to forgive him first"

"Yeah" I sighed "yeah" we walked into class.

We sat down and did whatever we had to do. Then I went to my next class as Layla went to hers. I started to think if I forgive Harry. I mean I love him but what he did was wrong and hurtful. But it's been months since we broke up, I don't think I can move on if I don't forgive him. Or I don't think he can move on either if I don't forgive him. I can't be with him if I didn't forgive him, that's the first step to forgive him. You know what I do, I do forgive him. I know how sorry he is and how he wish he could go back and change what he did.

I walked into the cafeteria and went over to Harry's table. I was still somewhat bad at the boys because they thought about the dumb idea.

I turned to Harry "can we talk after school?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, where?"

"The woods?"


"Ok" I smiled and sat down with Layla "I do forgive him"


"Hmm, I know how sorry he is. We're going to talk today after school"

"Good, make sure to let me know how it goes"

"Of course"

I stood across Jack's apartment waiting for Harry. I took a deep breath as I walked around, I stopped when I saw Harry's car pull up. He parked his car and walked over to me.

"Hey" he ran his hands through his hair.

"Hey um I just wanted to lay down the line so to speak"

"Alright" he crossed his arms as well.

"I forgive you Harry, I do. I know how badly you felt for what you did and how you're sorry and wish you can take it back. I want to be with you Harry I do but the truth is I don't trust you at all. I'm scared to be back with you cause what if you lie again? Or cheat or whatever? I'm protecting myself and my heart now. If you do want to be back together you'll have to work for it, you have to earn my trust back and win me over... You have to reprove yourself to me"

"I can do that" he nodded "I can reprove myself if that's what it takes"

I smiled as tears filled my eyes "I don't think I ever told you this but you did save me Harry... You saved me from myself. You opened me up to different experiences and opportunities. I never thought I can do the the things I did if it wasn't for you, so thank you. Thank you for saving me" I cried.

Harry walked over to me and carefully wiped my tears "you were the one to save me Hales, you made a better person"

I sighed and just tested my head against his chest "I'm still grateful to you"

"As I am to you" he wrapped his arms around me.

I looked up at him "so starting fresh?"

"Yeah that sounds good" he smiles "I should go"



"How come your still working there?"

"I don't know I like it"

"Good for you Haz" he unwrapped his arms from me "I'll see you at school"

"See you Hales" I watched him get in his car and drove off.

I finally felt happy again and I haven't felt this happy in months. Harry and I were in good terms and trying again, junior year is ending. I couldn't be more happier. I'm back to being me, I'm back on track. I would never thought I'll be here where I am today. Having two best friends, Layla and Liam. Having my brother back in my life, have had a broken heart and trying again with Harry. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around myself. I walked across the street and up to the apartment.

"Hey where were you?"

"Just outside talking to Harry"

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's good" I smiled.

"You seem happy"

"You know what, I am, I am happy Jack"

"I'm glad Hales"

"I was thinking about maybe going away this summer"

"Just you?"

"Maybe or take Layla or Harry"

"You have money for it?"

"Think so, I want really want to go somewhere... I've been in Miami for years and haven't gone anywhere"

"Maybe Harry and you can go on a road trip and just explore"

"Maybe" I smiled "thank you Jack for not hating him anymore. I know you don't like it but he means a lot to me, still, and I love him very much"

"Your welcome, as long as your happy Hales"

"And I am"

"Well that's all I want"

We had Chinese food and I went on to tell Jack about Harry and I. I wanted him to truly know what Harry meant to me so he can respect Harry in a way. After dinner, I took a nice long shower, washed my hair and body then just stood there thinking about my life and future. I dried my hair a bit then put it and changed into my pajamas. I opened up my windows before I laid down in bed. I smiled at my messages with Harry, it's like I refell in love with him at that moment. I got up and changed into one of his shirts so I felt like he was with me in a way. I cuddled up to my blanket and pillow and drifted off with a smile on my face.

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