Chapter 4

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(A/N: Min Yoongi's smooth rapping kills me every time)

Chapter 4

Adelina stared at Charlie's gray body. This was all her fault. Maybe she wasn't clear enough when she told him not to take the mushrooms under the pine trees. Damn, so many people had died already, and she had basically murdered him.

"You shouldn't be staring at him for too long. It can't be good for you." Aaron whispered, coming up behind her.

"I killed him, I killed Charlie." Adelina thought about all those times her and Aaron complained about him being a third wheel, and now, he was gone. It was horrifying, his lips were blue, his skin still warm, and his eyes wide open, staring at the trees. She knew that he saw her as more than a friend, and that caused his death. Adelina leaned in closer to shut his eyes. The smell emanating from his mouth made her eyes water.

"You know he loved you," Aaron said quietly. "He always did." He hugged her tightly as she sobbed, the two still standing next to Charlie.

"He was your friend too you know. Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you keep him safe?" She pounded against his chest, tears falling even faster.

"Shh, shh. It's going to okay, everything will be fine. I promise." He whispered, stroking her hair.

"How can you say that?! Charlie's dead, and he won't be the last. Miss Irene turned into zombie food, we saw Andrew die before our eyes, Lawrence disappeared and Ash had to shoot Kirk! How can you even begin to say that it'll be alright!?" Adelina cried.

"I get it, but you gotta pull yourself together. You said more people will die? You just have to make sure it doesn't happen, you don't want the same thing to happen twice." He said suddenly, with an almost harsh tone to his voice.

"It's just not fair! Why Charlie? Why? Why did you have to leave?" Adelina punched a tree. Aaron left her to her thoughts, returning to their herd.

She sat next to him for almost two hours, and watched as the sun slowly creeped across the sky, occasionally being obscured by clouds.

"We have to get a move on, Adelina." Aaron said gently, approaching her.

She wiped at her eyes, standing up and nodding slightly. Aaron went to the rest of the group to tell them Adelina was ready to move on, while she collected her thoughts. They walked, slowly but surely, the dark mood hanging over them like a storm cloud.

As soon as the mansion came with insight, Kenzie broke into a sprint towards it. The group called her name, asking her to slow down, but she didn't listen.

"Dylan!" She yelled. She pounded on the door, begging for him to open the door. She checked her pockets, realizing that she had her keys on her. She shoved them into the door and pushed it open, "Dylan!"

"Kenzie?" She heard a frightened response, coming from somewhere upstairs. She raced up the marble stairs, immediately going into Dylan's bedroom. She heard quiet sobbing coming from his closet, and threw the door open.

"Dylan... Oh god, Dylan!" Kenzie ran to her brother, trying to pick him up and take him out of his closet.

"No, Kenzie, you'll make it worse!" Dylan said, clutching his leg. His hands were covered in blood, and his leg was still gushing the red liquid.

"We have to get you help! Someone should know first aid in our group!" Kenzie said, forcing him to stand. He leaned entirely on her, his face twisted in pain and tears.

She tried to pick him up, but he refused, it would end up hurting him more. She led him down the stairs, ignoring the others as the looked at her in shock.

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