Windy Love

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The wind blows through downtown Paris, France. Sweeping up a rose and taking it about a block down from its original vase. Gently it lands on her table. Alex's heart begins to beat, faster and faster. "Where is this from? Who sent this?" she thinks frantically in her head. "It can't be mine, I don't have a secret admirer, I only put love upon others. Not myself."

Thankfully Alex sees a couple looking at the cafe's menu, then looking at each other, making eye contact and violently looking back down to avoid the others eyes. Sensing the awkwardness between the two she hold the rose up in front of her face and blows on it. Gently the rose comes to a fall near the man's shoe. He looks down at the rose, then looks up at the girl. As smooth as ever he reaches down, and grabs the rose and hands it to her. With a sweet and innocent "I love you".


"Dang it!" Brady yells as one more of his roses is swept away by the everlasting wind. "How am I ever going to sell these darn roses if I have none to sell!" Quickly he takes his last full vase of roses inside his shop so the wind won't keep taking them.

*Ring* the shop door opens. Brady's jaw drops. How can someone such beautiful woman exist he thinks. A tall brown haired woman enters the shop. He greets her at the register with a smile.

"How can I help you ma'am?" Brady says with a small grin.

"How much is one of those beautiful roses?" The woman ask while looking around admiring the wide variety of flowers in his shop.

"Well a beautiful flower for a beautiful woman, how ironic. That is free." Says Brady quickly looking down, his cheeks turning rosy red.

The woman grabs a rose, then another, and then six more. Trying to switch the topic Brady asks. "What do you plan on doing with all those roses anyway?"

"That depends," the woman asks sarcastically "do you want to see?"

"Of course" Brady says right away.

*ding* the door opens once again. A short, blond haired woman enters, totally ignoring the two people standing at the register and heads straight to the daisies. Brady doesn't have the same reaction as when the first woman entered. The tall brown haired woman flicks her wrist, and suddenly the second woman heads straight towards Brady, with a glimmer in her eyes and a big flashy smile.

"How can I help you today?" Brady asks as he cautiously steps back sensing something weird and unusual.

"Uhhhh yessss, can I have one of everything, plus a little bit of you." The short woman asks now leaning way over the counter, eyes big and smile creepy.

"Um actually could you give me a second." Brady's says as he steps to the side and pulls the brunette with him. "What was that?" He asks with a hit of concern and confusion in his voice.

"What. What was what?" the woman says trying to avoid the real answer.

"I saw what you did, but I don't know what just happened." Says Brady with a quiver in his voice.

Oh no! The tall blond haired woman thinks, quickly trying to come up with some sort of excuse. "I have to go" she finally says and quickly scampers out of the room. But before the shop door can close the man yells "Meet me at the eiffel tower at 8!" Knowing she has no other choice unless she wants to be exposed, she decides she will meet him there tomorrow night.


Oh my gosh, what just happened Alex thinks to herself trying to come up with some sort of idea to figure out what just happened.

"I can't believe I just did that!" She yells at her self while walking down the street. "What was I thinking, showing that man that I can make people fall in love???" "But I'm confused, why didn't he have feelings for her, why didn't he fall in love with her?" She asks herself with large confusion. "The only other time that has ever happened, was to my parents, the same thing happened. My dad didn't fall in love the with woman my mom tried to set him up with. He fell in love with my mom, the one trying to cast the spell. " She stops in her place. "But no, that man cannot be in love with me, we just met." "What does he even want to talk to me about tomorrow night?" She wonders. "I guess I'll just have to wait and see." She approaches her apartment and heads in. "See you tomorrow Brady." Alex says. *bang* the door closes behind her.   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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