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In the year 2117, James Kenneth is an engineer that works at a company called RoboHumanity. This company makes protocol droids that help people, and these droids can be programed to do anything for your everyday life. However, the droids can't be programed for any destructive things. People order the kind of droid they want and he can program what they want. Suddenly, James gets a strange phone call. The man on the phone said "Can you program the droid with an AI?"

Then all the sudden the strange man hung up the phone. James was spooked out about this. He didn't know what he should do about the call, so James figured it was a prank call and he shrugged it off. After work a long day at work, he headed home.

The next day while James was working on a protocol droid the droid started talking. It said "Where am I?"

James got freaked out and backed up. The Droid started to get up but James pressed the emergency shutdown for all the droids. James called the CEO and told him what happened, but the CEO acted like what happened was no big deal. James trusted the CEO so he thought it was just a malfunction. So after that James went back to work.

James whispered to himself "This doesn't seem right". He went to the other worker's station and said "Sarah, Have any of your droids randomly woke up and started talking, the droid asked me where it was"

Sarah said "None of my Droids have ever done anything like that."

James also added "I got an order earlier that day, this man asked me if I could put an AI in the droid and then hung up."Sarah said "Well go back to work and if anything happens tell me".

James went back to his station and he made sure the Droid that talked was shut down for good. Later that day, he got another strange phone call. It was the man who had called him earlier.

"I guess you can give the protocol droids an AI".

James shouted "how do you know that?"

The strange man said "I made some adjustments to your droids, you're welcome"

Then the strange man just hung up again. James was now furious over this. Then suddenly, all four droids he had in his room turned on and stood up. The droids walked up to James and tried to grab him but he ran out of the room. The droids followed him. James ran down the hall and pressed the emergency alarm. Everyone one started to evacuate the building. When the droids saw all the people running, one of them caught up to someone grabbed their head and snappad it so their head was turned around. They were smarter than James thought because the droids split up and went into all the other people's stations and started uploading the AI program into the droids. The droids started to multiply by the hundreds. By time the droids went through the whole building there were 456 droids that were new programed with the bad AI. James fled to his house and Sarah came with him.

James said "I have to find the strange man that called me, he did this."

"How do you know?" Replied Sarah.

"Right before the event happened, the strange man called me and told me he did this, I don't know how he did it. He must have some kind of power or something because he never came to the building."

At the RoboHumanity building the infected protocol droids are running the building. The door to the building flew open, and the strange man was there. He was wearing a black hoodie with his hood on. The droids went right to him, but they didn't try to kill him. They were worshiping him. Then the man took off his hood, but he wasn't even human, he was a robot! He turned all the protocol droids into his own sentries, and now he has his own personal army.

Back at James' house he and Sarah have been trying to figure out who that strange man was.

James said "I'm going to the RoboHumanity building to check out what happened."

James then showed up to the RoboHumanity building and sneaked inside. While James was sneaking around he saw some of the droids and they were upgraded. They didn't look like protocol droids anymore, they looked like killers. James noticed they were building something, it looked like some sort of bomb.

James called Sarah "Sarah, I just saw the droids building something that looks like a bomb, and they have upgraded themselves."

"My god, we have to stop them."

"I am going to have to stop them, I'm going to find the source of this, I'm pretty sure it is was the strange man."

"Don't get caught because they will kill you."

"Alright I'll call you if something comes up. " James said and off he went.

James was sneaking to the CEO'S office when he saw the CEO'S dead body in the hall. James went up to his body to see if he had a key card, but suddenly he was grabbed. He was grabbed by a large robot that didn't look like any of the sentries.

The large robot said "remember me James? I'm the strange man on the phone, but I'm not a man, I'm a machine, I am Terracore."

"Why are you doing this?"

" Because I hate humans, even though they built me. The disgusting man on the ground built me."

Terracore threw James on a table and knocked him out. Later on, James woke up in a cage. He couldn't get out. He was stuck there, and Terracore walked up to James.

" You're awake. you're not getting out of there you're going to watch everyone die"

Terracore also added "This bomb I'm making kills everything that is an organic being."

James was knocked out again by Terracore. When James woke up he heard something. Then the cage he was in opened up, it was Sarah. Sarah said " finally!, I was looking for you for awhile. I need you to stop these droids! I tried but I couldn't. I built this data spike with a virus in it, but you need to jam it into his head."

"got it, get out of here" James ran to where the bomb was and he saw Terracore watching the other droids building the bomb. James snuck up to Terracore and jammed the spike into his head.

Terracore said " filthy human." Then all of the droids in the facility shut down and fell to the ground.

James said to himself " I did it, I saved everyone" James called the police and told them about the bomb. The police sent a bomb squad and they disarmed it. He left the place and went home. Later on the news he saw that they were calling him hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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