Trick or treating

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Tonight would have to be one of the best I've ever had.

I went trick or treating with my friend TheTardisGirlXD aka Morgan,Nicky,Michelle,Zoey,
Shafer,Brooke,and Chase.

Me,Zoey,Michelle and Morgan Splitted up from Brooke,Chase,Nicky and shafer.

We were singing Christmas songs and turning them into Halloween songs.

Morgan was the 11th Doctor,Michelle was MARKAPLIER, Zoey was wade and I was Ticci Toby.

We called Morgan Doctor,
Zoey Wade,Michelle Mark and Me BOB!!!

Brooke was a pirate,Nicky was the 10th doctor, Chase was a hunter, and Shafer just wore a black jumpsuit.

We called our group band squad and the fam.

This is how it was like with the girls.

Morgan:Fobeo!!! Where is Fobeo?!?!
Zoey:Is he ready to fly?!!!
Michelle:Grow your magical
wings and fly Fobeo!!
Me: fabulous Fabeo!!!! Where are you?!?!

-10 minutes later-

All of us:Fab,Fab,Fab-ulos!!
Zoey:wearing makeup!
Me:Shaking that butt!!
All:*makes creaking noise 7 times* *claps hands together*

-while heading to another neighborhood-

Me:we have Wade-
Zoey:Hello!! I summon candy!!
Michelle:Prop hunt!!
Me:and Jack!!
Morgan:*says like jackseptacye* top of the mornin' to ya!
Morgan:Chase can be pewds!

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