Chapter 3

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"Ronald if you dare!" I shouted as I clocked him scooping up a ball of snow from my right side. He looked up innocently before dropping the snow and sulking as he walked back to the group of us sat outside on a bench in our winter clothing.

"You're not fun A" he told me as he sat down next to me.

"If just rather not have a ball of frozen water in my face if I'm being honest" I said laughing and he looked over to me smiling.

As I was about to ask what the reason was behind Ron smiling so widely, I was hit by not one but two snow balls from either side of my face. There was only one reasonable explanation for this trickery and it started with a T and ended with an S.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. Pair. Of. Ginger. Morons" I said carefully as I turned to face the snickering from behind me. Before my eyes stood two very tall, very mischievous, idiotic twins with the most terrifying smiles on their faces. "Don't do it" I said as I read their minds

"SNOW BALL FIGHT" they screamed in Union and as if it was planned, everyone dropped and picked up snowballs. It was hell so I took for hibernation.

I could hear the high pitch screams and laughter of the scene I had left behind me which put a smile on my freezing cold face. I decided that a wonder to the library wouldn't go a miss as there were many books I would like to read up on so I headed to my set destination.

I felt like I had spent hours spying on books around the library as I finally pulled out one book, when I was accidentally knocked into by a second year called Maggie who gave me an apologetic look before scampering off with her pile high of books. I smiled before realising that few books had fallen whilst I had taken my hit so I resumed to picking up the spoken about books. As I read each cover, I gently placed them back on the shelf in their row one by one. I was coming to my last book as I finished reading the blurb

'It was as if magic had sparked a beautiful relationship that neither of the star-crossed lovers imagined."

I smiled at the beautiful mysterious blurb as I went to place it on the shelf, um and ah- ing as to whether I should give the novel a try. However I was stopped in my tracks when I came eye to eye with a pair of Icey blue eyes staring at me from the other side of the old wooden bookshelf.

We stood staring at each other for a moment before realising just who each person was. I quickly placed the book back and left my position, not daring face The owner of the beautiful eyes. I sat down at a table in the far corner of where I had been sitting as I opened up one of the books I had chosen.

Before I had even read the first page properly, a chair was pulled out opposite me and down sat the owner of the eyes. I stared at him for a while with a questioning look on my puzzled face.

"The rest of the seats were either taken or gave me the option to sit with younger years" he explained, not even glancing from his book as he spoke.

"Oh" was all that managed to come out of my surprised mouth as Malfoy was the last person I had ever expected to sit with me. I stared for a while longer before returning to reading my book. Or at least pretending to as I thought over whether I should speak to him or not. I had never been put in this situation before, I had always been put in the situation that meant he was first to talk and I replied with an equally insulting insult.

"Why are you not with your friends Jackson?" He inquired as he spoke, still not looking up from his book.

"Because they were having fun in the freezing cold playing snowball fights" I explained and he then looked up

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