Good Enough?

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It was a new day, but same as usual. It's the same routine, getting up for school and going home. My name is Ambria, a 16 year old girl and I attend Bulldogs High School. I have long maroon hair, my eyes are light green mixed with brown. Also, I have magic powers I've never used. I'm the ugliest person you'll ever see.

I walked to second period, rushing there as fast as I could. Suddenly I saw the beautifullest thing on earth. He was like a God and his name was David. He was the popular guy. He wouldn't ever notice someone like me. I know this because.....

"Hey cute thing mind if I talk to you?" Lucas said interrupting my thoughts.

"What do you want Lucas?" I asked.

"Well you know what I want". He said, as I rolled my eyes. "I want you to stop gawking at him," as he pointed to David. "And pay attention to me." he said.

I started laughing and I clutched onto my stomach.

"Did I say something funny" asked Lucas.

He had no idea why I was laughing about. "Yeah, you said to pay attention to you."

"Well I'm just saying because at least I know you exist unlike David who doesn't." he said with a lot of anger.

That kinda stung, but it's the truth. After the incident, I checked what my powers could do once I got home. As I opened my bedroom door, I saw it was a mess. At this point, I was wishing my power could help me clean faster. I finished and decided to go to my closet and see what kind of powers I had . As I entered I felt excitement rush through my veins. I closed my eyes and thought about what happened today and wished David would recognize me. I opened my eyes and noticed there were blue lights around me one by one sticking onto my skin like I was some kind of magnet. Each one surrounded me. At this point I was really mad that my power only makes stupid blue lights come around me. So I thumbed my forehead like usual and the light left my body faster then you can blink your eye. I did the same process without going in the closet. I looked in the mirror to see what happened before I poked myself. I was a new person, pretty and gorgeous. I poked myself and changed back to ugly me. That night I couldn't sleep from the excitement.

The next day I did my normal routine, wore a lavender sweater, black leggings and black converse. I turned to see myself in the mirror right after doing my little magic trick and I couldn't believe what was written on the mirror. It said:

"Only those who truly love you will see the real you."

I wiped it off and pretended like nothing happen and made my way to school.

I walked down the hall and noticed that everyone was staring at me including David. He sent one of his million dollar smiles at me and I couldn't help but feel a blush crawl up my cheeks and try to smile back only to fail miserably.

"Hey Ambria how you doing over there staring at King of the buttheads?" said Lucas.

"Lucas? How do you know who I am? Don't you see anything different?" I said back to him.

"Yeah, I actually do notice you have gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you. Oh and David smiled your way to have you forget how to smile back."

I rolled my eyes in response and walked away. Later that day David asked me out on a date and I of course said yes. He said he would pick me up at 6:00 and I was dying of excitement.

Once I got home, my family didn't notice a difference and I got bothered because it was only them and Lucas. I ignored it and got ready. Lucas is always bothering me.

I wore a white dress that faded into a coral towards the tips and white converse with a jean jacket. David came and took me to a cute park with lanterns and a table set up. I knew I liked him, but I couldn't lie to him. If he really liked me, he wouldn't mind how I looked.

We went to the playground and we were on the swings and I had to tell him for the best.

"Hey ummm David can I tell you something?" I asked him.

"Yeah anything cutie." He said with a smile.

"So I ummm... I'm not who you are looking at and you'll see" I said.

As he watched me tentatively I thumbed my forehead and I was the real me. David did what I expected him to do. He stood up and was speechless.

"Well can you atleast say something" I said.

"Look Ambria I don't know what to say. I like you this way, but I fell for the other you. You know?" David said.

I knew what he meant, but a tear had rolled down my cheek.

"Can you please leave? You would never like the real me, it's okay, I'll get over it."

All he did was nod and walk away. I sat there letting my tears slip down my cheek until I felt some one wipe my tears off my cheek. I opened my eyes to Lucas.

"Go away I don't need your pity." I said.

"I'm not giving you pity, I think it's sad how David let someone as beautiful and smart as you go." he said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? do you realize what you're saying?" I said.

"Yeah, I do because I have been trying to show you you're smart, beautiful and you don't need beauty to be liked because I like you." he said.

I hugged him like no other person I've hugged before.

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