Chapter One - Meeting Him

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Dawns POV

"Luna get up!" She groans and puts the pillow over her head. I chuckle at cuteness. I know that she's thirteen but she's as innocent as a five year old. But she has the intelligence of a 20 year old. "I guess you don't want to see the snow outsideee." I love teasing her, I get her to do almost anything that way.

She jumps and squeals, I cover my ears almost instantly. "MOMMY CAN I PLEASE SEE THE SNOW PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!!!" "Ok, ok Luna you have to stop screaming you know my ears are sensitive sweetheart, now go get ready for school if you finish that AND eat breakfast then you can play in the snow."

"Yay!" I-I mean "yay..." I giggle at her and she starts to blush. " Go hurry up and get ready." She runs out the room almost tripping over herself. I sigh in satisfaction.

I'm glad I get to wake up to this everyday, this is paradise in my eyes. Without her I'll just be a lonely vampire sucking the life out of every human I see. And we all know I don't want to go down that path again...

"Mommy, MOMMY!" "Huh, oh I'm sorry, I was thinking about something." I look at her what feels like forever but in reality, it was only five minutes. "Mommy do I look bad...I'm sorry if I disappoint you."

"Awe sweetheart." I coo. "You look far from bad you look more beautiful than any other girl I have seen." She starts to blush. "And you will never, ever disappoint me you are amazing and I love you." She starts to blush crimson red when I kiss her cheeks multiple times.

"Now come on you have an hour before school starts so we have plenty of time to play outside." She grabs her furry coat and I grab mine. We start to head outside but before I can get one foot out the door Luna pushes past me and jumps in the snow. I stare at her in awe. She's just too adorable.

...30 Minutes Later

"Well we're here, your first day of 8th grade." (She's been in this grade multiple times I just want to make her feel normal.) "Well bye I love you." "I love you too have a great day." I give her a couple of kisses and watch her walk inside the school.

A couple minutes later I drive to my high school. I'm supposed to be a senior since I "look like one". But in reality it's because I never age and I look the exact same way since I died.

As I'm walking inside the school I'm either getting weird looks because of my face or their jealous of my beauty. I would go with the second one because I know that I'm beautiful. I know, I know you think I'm conceited. But I just think I'm confident, am I right?

I put in my locker combination and start walking down the hall looking down at my schedule, to see where my class is. When I turn the corner I bump into this girl that has hazel eyes and brown hair.

"OMG I'm so sorry." She starts to frantically pick up my books and I pick up hers. "It's ok it was my fault." "No it was our fault." We both giggle at her goofiness. We start to walk together down the hall after our incident. "I'm sorry I never caught your name." "Well I'll catch it for you!" I laugh again at her corny joke. "My name is Roslyn." "My name is Dawn." "Well it's nice to meet you Dawn." "Nice to meet you too."

"Can you help me get to my class?" "Sure, just make another left and its the first door, on the left side of the hall." "Thanks so much I'll talk to you later." I giver he my number and I head to my class.

When I walk into the class I instantly smell a werewolf. He smelled like cinnamon, and his eyes were amazing. We both locked eyes for what felt like forever. "Ahem, young lady may you please take a seat." "Yeah, I'm sorry." I mumble. I take a seat in the very back as far away from the werewolf as possible.

I use my hair to block him from seeing my face, and also block me, from seeing him. For the rest of class I just sat there, hoping that he would stop staring at me. When the bell rang, I hurriedly rushed out the room an pushed past everyone so I can check myself out early. I definitely wasn't going to deal with a werewolves glare all day, nor was I in the mood for it. My patience is very short when it come to people. Especially people like him.

As I'm walking out of the building I feel someone grab hold of me. I push the person to the ground with my vampire strength, and speed. Not in control of my body at the moment I sink my teeth into the person's arm. They had type B blood which was my favorite. I look up to only meet the werewolf. I stumble back and stare up at him.

He walks up to me slowly and looks at me with lust in his eyes. "Mate." He whispered. He kissed the side of my lips and ran away.

I don't know what just happened, or how it happened. But I think my mate is a werewolf.

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