Flower Moon

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Prologue- By the way this is my first story ever sorry if it's bad.
No ones pov
A long time ago there lived an old lone wolf. This wolf was wise and had been traveling a long time. This fine old wolf new the woods ways and how everything lived. During his journey he came to respect the moon in many ways. 1 the moon gave him light in darkness.2 the moon showed him his path.3 the moon made a faithful companion. Every night the wolf would howl at the moon to tell it was not alone. One dreary night the wolf was stalking a snow hare when he he heard a deathning screech. The old WISE wolf was curious from where the mysterious sound came from. so the wolf did what any curious creature would do he followed the horrendous screech. He walked towards a meadow. When he got to the clearing he saw it. The moon was covered by a violet lilly. It's roots entangled the moon threating to shatter it into a million pieces. The wind b!is and snow started to fall. It wasn't at all suspicious since it was in the middle of winter. The snow started to fall harder. The old wolf then realized the snow it, it smelled of wolf's blood.the snow was pure white yet the putrid stench hunged in the air. The smell was overwhelming. The old wolf was frightened not only for himself but the creatures of the world and his acquaintance the moon was going to be lost forever. The old wolf did the only thing he could do he howled at the moon. In doing that he sacraficed himself buy turning into a cage and sealing away the flower.the moon was greatful to the wolf but there was a catch. This spell could last only 1000 years after that the flower will be released and another wolf soul will have to take the place of his friend to rid of the flower once more for another thousand years and so on.the moon put that matter aside for now and tried to think of a gift for his dead friend. The moon thought for a moment then it hit him. The moon cried and when his tears fell down wolves were born. Those wolves apparently got together and was called the flower moon pack.
But that's just a story right?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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