EXT. Alarm clock going off.
Girl sluggishly comes out of the covers to turn off alarm clock. This girls name is Charisma.
CHARISMA need more sleep... ugh... cant, todays important...
Montage of her getting up slowly, then minutes later trying on many ridiculous over the top outfits, playing with her hair, doing her make up while an upbeat pop song plays
INT. Music stops when she’s suddenly in the school hallway, Charisma stands at her locker obtaining her materials, having settled for jeans and a plain sweatshirt with a hint of make up on. Then she walks down the crowded hallways.
CHARISMA (V.O) Being a senior can really stress a person out I mean I’ve almost successfully gone crazy a good 100 times now... okay that was dramatic but I cannot do this daily routine much longer, but today.. Today will be different
Charisma walks up to her best friend ... also boyfriend and greets him then grabs his hand and pulls him down a different hall as voiceover continues
CHARISMA (V.O) this here is my best friend, we have been dating for the past three months and well here’s my dilemma, HE STILL HASNT KISSED ME. Now okay I'm all for this taking it slow thing but there have been so many moments where he could have but nope, nothing. He says we're still on the crossover from friends to couple so he doesn't want to mess it up but I thought if I made the perfect kissing scenario maybe today would be the day.
EVAN (Charisma's BF) Charisma where are you taking me we have to get to class
CHARISMA Not today! I have a surprise for you
EVAN And this couldn’t want until after school? I have a test and you have to go to class and turn in your essay.
CHARISMA Nope! It's now or never, we can both make that up tomorrow plus I spent all day planning this.
Charisma attempts to pull him out of the exit doors as he struggles. She keeps pulling his arm but because he's a lot bigger then her efforts cause her to fall over. Ethan laughs while she hurries to get off the floor then she gives up and turns to him and makes her best puppy dog face
Evan laughs and covers his eyes
EVAN no don’t do that to me you know I can't say no to that face, I just can’t handle the cuteness!
Charisma stops making the face and puts on her best angry face instead right before punching him in the arm
CHARISMA Don’t call me cute. Let’s go now!! Please!
Evan can't help but laugh at her attempts and give in so he shrugs and puts his hands up in surrender
EVAN okay, okay I give up
He gets down on one knee and offers his hand to her.
EVAN Where to my lady?
Charisma hits him upside the head then laughs and helps him up
CHARISMA First destination, my car!
INT. Charisma and Evan in a nice white car, she turns to him and pulls a scarf out of her purse
EVAN What is that for? Charisma, NO!
CHARISMA Oh, come on! It’s supposed to be a surprise; if I don't blindfold you then you'll know where we're going.
EVAN *sigh* Fine
Charisma smiles and makes him turn around as she covers his eyes with the scarf.