Chapter One-Dreams, Come True.

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Don't look at me with those eyes; those eyes that make me weak in the knees. Those eyes that burn me down with every glance. Please stop it; you make me terribly weak. Please cover up because you don't know the things you do to me. 

The roar of the fire brings me back to reality; You are my whole world. You look up from your drink and we make eye contact again. The butterflies are flourishing inside of me, i start to shake from nervousness while you hold me down with those eyes and that smile. You nudge towards the house and I nod awkwardly. I would never say no to you; I'm in love with you. I look around and there you are; in all your glory and I can't stand to be away from you any longer.

"I knew you would make it." He whispers into my ear and I shudder.  

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." I'm trying to stay cool but those eyes like wildfire keep me on my toes. He looks at me for a while and I look back in disbelief; he's interested in me. My button undos and I don't think twice of it. One button; one button changed my life. He cocks an eyebrow and a smile begins to form.  

"Hey Kels?"  

"Yeah Vic?"  

"Your buttons undone, let me help you with that." He pulls me by my shoulders until my chest presses against his, he slowly re-buttons my shirt, his gaze unwavering. He takes a deep breath, possibly to speak up but he keeps it to himself. We just stand there, chest to chest and I wonder if he can feel how fast my heart is beating. How fast it beats for him. Our hearts begin to beat in tune with each other and I'm not sure if its because he's afraid of being caught with someone like me or because he needs me too. 

"Kels you don't know how bad I want to kiss you right now." He never looks away and I swear my faces turns to a vermillion, the liquid confidence that I drank earlier is beginning to take effect and I lean in closer to him.  

"Oh, I think I have an idea." And then we were kissing; I don't know who started it but in a haze of passion were crashing like waves onto each other, breaking only for air. I almost wish that I didn't need to breathe. I don't realize that I've said it out loud and he's grinning at me. The smell of sweat and cigarettes and chlorine making me dizzy, I hold on tighter almost like I'm going to be ripped away from him.  

"You're so goddamn beautiful, you know that?" He tells me and I scoff to myself immediately because I'm so ugly and boring and he's so gorgeous and perfect. His look fades to one that almost scares me.  

"Let's get outta here; I need to show you something." He says to me but I can't really comprehend what he's telling me because there are so many girls in the pool outside who would die to even have him look in their direction and here he is with me; an ugly fat loser. He's looking at me again with a certain glint in his eyes that I can't really decipher and with a steady arm around my waist he's pulling us outside. The cool air washes over us and i move in closer to him; it's like something is pulling us together. People are staring and honestly they can stare all they want, I have him and he has me and that's all that matters. We're in his car and he's telling me things that make me want to jump onto his lap and make love to him right there but I can't because he needs to show me something.

We're at an apartment and I assume it's his; he grabs my hand and take me inside and asks me if I've ever had sex before. I look at him in shock; of course I've never had sex before, I never kissed anyone before tonight I say to which he responds with a smirk. He pulls me to his room and I'm on his bed and he's asking me if its okay and I'm telling him that as long as its him than everything is all right. We're kissing again but it's different, he's kissing me with such a hunger that I can barely keep up. He pulls away saying;  

"I'm sorry, I've wanted to do this with you for so long. I just love you so much."  

Our clothes are strewn throughout the room and were in our underwear. He's touching me in places that I've only ever touched myself and I'm writhing underneath him wanting more. He teaches me how to do it to him too and he's panting heavily above me. He never breaks eye contact with me unless its to kiss my skin; he's kissing me all over and then he stops to look at me and asks me if its alright, he doesn't have to tell me what he's asking because I know and I say yes. He nods and looks in his bedside table for the stuff. He coats his fingers in the lubricant and is preparing me; it's an odd feeling and somewhat unpleasant at first but he's so patient that I let him put another finger in me and then another. I start to push back on his fingers to try to get used to the feeling; he pulls his fingers out of me and positions himself between my legs. He looks me in the eyes and asks me if he can continue, I nod stiffly and he pushes into me. He kisses me murmuring something about how right this is and how beautiful I am. He's all the way in and the feeling is still unpleasant but I tell him to move anyways because it has to feel good eventually right? He moves slowly at first and then I feel it; oh god what is that wonderful feeling? He pulls out half way and pushes back in hitting that spot again. He keeps going in that angle and i swear I've never felt pleasure like this before. He's kissing my neck and telling me that I'm so beautiful and that he loves me so much over and over with every thrust he tells me that he loves me, he's fucking his love into me and I don't mind as long as its him inside of me, if its him loving me because I am his, I always have and I always will.  

He's picking up speed; getting closer to climax and hell so am I. He wraps his hand around my member a flicks his wrist in time with his thrust and I'm bucking my hips and shooting onto our stomachs. I contract around him and he releases in me; riding out his high while looking at me with a look that I've never seen anyone give me.  

We're lying together facing each other and I don't feel dirty or guilty about what we've just done; I feel so alive. He makes me feel alive. He whispers he loves me and for the first time tonight I believe him. He asks me if I love him too and I begin to cry.  

"Why are you crying?" He asks me.  

"Because I love you so much; I've needed you for so long and I finally have you." I sob. He looks at me his eyes filled to the brim with tears and he tells me;  

"I've always belonged to you Kellin, always. I'm yours forever."

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