chapter 2

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"What to wear, what to wear?" I asked myself as I stared blankly into my closet. A little while later I had on skinny jeans and a white shirt that was kinda baggy at the top but got tight at the bottom, so I slipped on a pink hoodie and my converse and then headed downstairs again.

"No mother, I've told you once and i will tell you again. You can not go on my dates with me!" i heard Monica in the kitchen. 

"What dates?" I asked her

She rolled her eyes and pointed towards the door. "Go to school, Erin."

Chuckling I said goodbye to my mom and kissed Flynn on the cheek, grabbed by backpack and jogged slowly to the door. 

"Hi Ms. Haglem" I exclaimed to the front desk lady in the lobby of the apartment complex i live in.

"Well hello Miss Erin. Late to the bus stop again?" she questioned me.

Nodding i yelled "nice talking to you again" back to her and made a b  line for the front door.

"Oh you stupid revolving door!" I swore. I guess the good lord was punishing me for not eating breakfast.What I don't understand is why hotels always have to have revolving doors i mean this dang door was about to make me late for the eighth time in a row.

Finally, after about 5 minutes of spinning and swearing at it I got out and ran at top speed to the bus stop. Right when I showed up the bus did to and everyone got on.

"Hey Erin."

"Oh,Hi Paisley." I replied

"Yeah,I heard about you and Blake's little dilemma/breakup or read about it."

i sighed

"God,Is this bus ride ever gonna end?"

The rest of the bus ride was silent. But once we got to school it was back to a bustling envirorment.

While I was getting off the bus I saw my friend Chris.

"Hey Chris!" I hollered as I ran over to catch up to him.

"Oh, hey Erin. Whatsup."

"Well actually alot. You see Blake broke up with me through facebook this morning and then changed his status to single.But then changed it back to In a relationship with Mercedes. So I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend so that Blake will get jealous and re-fall back in love with me!" I told him in a speedy fashion as we walked.

"Hmm," He pretended to ponder the question. "Whats in it for me?"

"Well, you get to be my boyfriend, you won't have to be a poet for me anymore." I replied

"I make up one poem in kindergarten and you never let me live it down!" He yelled jokingly.

"If you dont I 0will kill you" I chuckled.

"I'll do it."

"Ok then, you will live."

When I say Blake comming around the corner I quickly grabbed chris' hand. He looked down at my hand in his and then looked at me and grinned, I smiled back and when i saw Blake wasn't watching us anymore I let go.

Once we got to the lockers i reached into mine and grabbed student government posters out.

"Vote Erin For Student Counsil President -Or else I'll Kung-Fu you!" They each said across the top with a picture or me making my SUUPERR hot kung-fu pose underneath.

"Hey Erin" Mercedes layne interrupted my daydreaming of what being president is like.

"Would you like a cupcake?" she asked me sweetly

"Sure." I answered

"OK,Vote for Me for student body president." she walked away giggling. For months before she had been telling me that she had no desire to run,Untill i said that i wanted to.I threw the cupcake into chris' locker.

"I'm so gonna beat her by a land slide." i told chris.

"Definitley, these cupcakes are completely bitter!"

"No,"  "It's not about the cupcakes!' I told him matter of factly "It's about me being better then Mercedes Layne and getting back with Blake!"

A/N: ok guys again, this chapter was alot longer but i mistakley deleted some off dont worry ill upload the rest soon.:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2011 ⏰

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