The Case That Went The Wrong Direction

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I stare into the the bathroom mirror as I realize how young I look, my hands touching the sensitivity of my face.

Then wondering how this mission could backfire at any moment, if I make the wrong move. The bell rings and students barge into the bathroom door, as I turn away from the mirror and slowly walk out and towards my fourth hour class. As I enter the classroom to find my seat, my eyes wandering around the class and stumble upon this girl whose beauty is attention consuming. I kept staring back at her throughout class, that I was so urged to go and talk to her.

I felt kind of shy though and didn't want to give a bad impression of myself by saying something stupid. When the bell finally rang, I followed her to where ever she was going and she made a sudden stop at her locker. I wanted to say "hi" or something but I was getting all nervous and I just walked away before fifth period started. In this next class, I had students who considered themselves "gang members", who always got into trouble, that was my mission to come and seek new information about this hispanic street gang. Our only option was to find information through those students at school. Since we live in the city of chicago you could expect a lot of violence and crime.

This gang has been causing a lot of homicides, so we needed to find things out quickly about them before it gets worse. Anyway, these gang members love to brag about what they do outside of school and how much drug money they make. There were several people in the gang at school who loved to start trouble. My plan is to get as close to them as possible throughout the school days, so that they could spill any information about what they plan to do next something so that we're there to stop it. It wasn't going to be any easy task so it was going to take some time.

The girl that I saw in fourth period was also in my fifth period class and since we had a substitute today, I found out that her name was Jennifer as the teacher was naming off the students names. I knew that this was my chance to speak to her after class ended, I just kept telling myself that I couldn't talk to her. Underneath this "shapeshifting power" that I had, I was a single 23 year old man who lived in an apartment building. When I'm not in school, I due my daily routine as an FBI cop or I'm at home just relaxing. I had the blessing of earning this ability to shapeshift into other human beings.

I got it from a spider who bit me when I was only sixteen. Since then, I was noticed of my special ability and hired into the FBI. I don't plan on getting married anytime soon. I mainly focus on my objective as undercover cop. Firth period then ended, as I followed Jennifer to wherever she was going and then again made a stop at her locker. I knew this was the perfect chance to at least get her to notice me. I approached her as she closed her locker and I said "hi".

She smiled back and said "hey". I was then the happiest person on earth. We then talked about ourselves, not one time did it cross my mind that I had to stay focused on the mission. I eventually got her number after a few days of talking to her and that's how we stayed in communication outside of school. I still kept a close eye on the street gang at school but I was mainly focused on talking to Jennifer. Now mind you I am a single man in my early twenty's and she's eighteen.

You know what they say about love and how it's blind. Were in the month of June and all the information that I have heard from the gang members is that they're planning a shoot out on a rival gang at a neighborhood that they stay at. I sit near the student with tattoos named Jose in my 7th period class. I overheard him talking to a friend of his.  I couldn't hear when they were going to do it but I knew that I had to find out soon.

Jennifer and I, over the time that we have been talking changed in an instant. She expressed her feelings to me telling me how she truly loved me and I felt the same towards her. What was I thinking at the time? I have gotten so attached to her that I didn't even realize I was on an undercover mission. Not confessing to her that I am not the person I am right now, that I am actually a grown man on a mission.

Now on the other hand I still had to worry about the mission I was on, I eventually found out the day and time that they were planning to do the shoot out and I spoke to chief Dan at the headquarters about what I overheard and what was going to go down. The drive by was going to happen on a Saturday night on  8th Ashland Avenue, the neighborhood where the rival gang tends to hang out at.

Our plan was to sneak attack both gangs sending cop cars and swat teams to evacuate the area when they're about to attack. Were unaware of the vehicle that they're going to drive so we have to act fast. I had to worry about Jennifer now somehow figuring out a way to confess to her that I am not the person I am. That I was inside the body of someone who I really wasn't...

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