Note from bae ❤️

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(( this was a note from my bae! ))

Dear Kitty

Ok so I wanted to Write to you so I still have the note , and it got veiwed by My othe friends and may be you should make a funny mistake book and ya so if you can call Me at ( random number) thanks bye

P.S its normal to draw wan hearts on paper

P.S Write back soon

Signed bye bae

(( do you see the mistakes? I literally just typed what was on the now I will write the note again and fix the mistakes!))

Dear Kitty

Ok so I wanted to write to you so I still have the note, and it got viewed by my other friends and maybe you should make a funny mistakes book and yeah so if you can call me at ( random number) Thanks bye.

P.S it's normal to draw hearts on paper

P.S write back soon

Signed bye bae.

(( and yeah......I think it's really funny when he writes notes to me XD so many mistakes!!!))

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