Chapter 3: Understanding & The Broken Seal

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Sorry for the long update!~

Enjoy Chapter 3!~~


*Third person POV*

As the Pair finally done with their "sweet" time. Aka came beside shi-ho's side and purred while she is patting her sweet companion.

"Aka what is it?"Shi-ho asked her fox and aka just shook her head in response.

"So this Kawaii big fox named aka , I think her weapon is her tail right shi-ho?" Zeno asked and looking at aka's surprised reaction .

"Yes, I named her aka after all ---"Shi-ho replied with a chuckle and then added with widen eyes at Zeno.

"--How'd you know about her weapon?"

"I just guessed it and with your answer it looks like i'm spot on" Zeno answered with a tongue out at the gawking shi-ho at his response.

"That face looks cute on you shiho-chan" Zeno compliment her and she laughs a bit . She punched softly the side shoulder of zeno.

"Tch-- yeah right."Shi-ho replied.

Zeno know that Shi-ho is his mate and he also has the same feeling like shi-ho when they touch since the day they met.

Shi-ho also knows that Zeno is her mate but she wanna respect the feeling of being a human while she is still here , Not only for the prophecy for them and the pair both know that destiny.

They walked back to the house where yona and the others are waiting for them to come back.

"Where have you been shiho-san and zeno too?" Yun asked both of them .

"We just talked and strolled around , --" Shi-ho replied and quickly stops and looks at them.

"and I know what you guys want to know about me and my companions or about me why i'm connected to the four dragon warrior~~~." Added cheerfully.

Shi-ho stepped back a little and eyes began to change colors into ruby, and quickly fly into skies in fast speed and she goes down in front of them with their shocked faces on how she did that.

"Woah awesome, Did you guys see that!! she just flew up in the skies and it happen so fast my eyes are barely followed her movements and look at that she floats!!!" Hak said amusement in his voice.

"Woah , she's floating !" ki-ja said with excitement in his voice. Shi-ho gestures a quiet position to make them listen to her while she isn't done talking yet.

"Guys , i'm not done yet so you can talk later after i finish the conditions" Shi-ho said in calm voice and added,

"I have a decision for you guys to choose two options that i'm gonna tell you soon , It's either my past or about me and my companions and the other option will be reveal soon if you guys win my trust. " Shi-ho said with h and honesty to them.

Yona and the other is thinking right now that they must choose the right option to win her trust than information she's about to tell everyone  All of them gulped in the same time. Shi-ho noticed the tension around them and she laugh softly she jus took the attention what all of them got confuse.

"You guys don't need to be so nervous , I will explain the option now so pay attention what i'm gonna say : Option one it's all about me and my abilities or power and what i have , also my pet comrades what they're capable of , Option two is about my past and my connection to the shiryu (four dragon warriors) and what actually i am." Shi-ho calmly explained and added ,

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