The investigation of criminal 17.

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  The investigation of criminal 17-

I paced the room, thinking. Being a detective isn't easy work. You have to be cunning smart and a master of disguise. My name is Brooklyn bricks and I am all those things. Some call me stuck up but I've solved thousands of kidnappinngs and murders, so why wouldn't I be? But this case, this case was going to be hard I can tell! I was right outside the cell containing him. Who's him? He is the maddest man of all. The entire city knows him as being as crazy as the day is long. He's a raging cannibal as if the rest wasn't enough? He kidnapped, murdered hundreds each murder more disgusting than the other. Hot oil being poured down the throat, injecting acid into the victims eyes, slowly peeling away and eating the face. Cutting small holes in the body and pulling out bones. Ripping out piercings. and the most recent one that he calls "one of his best" which is slowly scraping away the skin flesh and bones with a scalpel knife until there's nothing left but a skeleton.
I know what you're thinking... "If you've already caught this guy, then why are you on the case?" Right, well. It's not where he is, we know that. It was what he's done! He mumbles over and over again "the master piece the master piece they'll never find the master-piece, never ever" and when a police man or detective walks in the room he will say "try and find it I dare you?" Or something mocking like that. Yeah, he is crazy but what he's saying this time is different, there's something going on. More people are in danger. I look into the cage he smiles at me, his long nails are scratching at the sides of his head trying to rip his ears off. His teeth stained with blood. He was definitely scary. He looked like a mix of Hannibal Lecter and Freddy Kruger. He laughed and whispers "11 days" to me. He's only been in capture for one day, I think to myself. "Uh, Brooklyn!" Someone calls me, I turn around its the chief. "Uh, there's, uh someone here to see you." Ah, chief lucindale, never one with words, always umming and uhhing. "Yeah, okay." I nod and walk inside. My shoes clack against the old English wooden tiles. I sit in a green leather chair in a plain brown room with an old antique table and walls and beautiful black velvet curtains. I look to the person sitting in front of me, she was beautiful. Long black hair and dark olive skin bright green eyes all tied up in a nice pant suit. "Brooklyn?" She says looking up from her desk and adjusting her glasses. I nodded and stood up to pour myself some whiskey from the table beside me. "So, I'm here to talk to you about criminal 17, he's in the other room?" I pour the drink into the glass and sneer "I figured" she looks taken back but I shot the whiskey down in one and put the glass down. "Yes, well he keeps muttering things that can be.... Quite off putting and we think somethings up" she says. I comes to my mind that she is being rather casual about this when it is possibly lives at stake. "I know!" I mutter. "Well, okay. But believe it or not there are some things that you don't" she says smugly. "Like?" I reply. I can hear criminal 17 banging on the walls in his cell. "Well some of the stuff he's been saying are different" she says. God, she's taking so long to blurt this out. "Get to the point!" I murmur. She sighs rather loudly and notes something down in her notepad as if this is a therapy session. "He keeps repeating 11 over and over again, he's also saying that you will never find his master piece and sometimes he just screams death over and over again" she says. I just nod. "The other night he was whispering rain over and over again." She half-shouts. "Mmm..." I mumble. I get out my phone and jot this down in the notes app. "Anything else?" I ask. "Here" she says and hands me something. "It's a list of all his strange behaviours, keep it safe?" She says rather patronisingly. "Sure, name?" I ask. "Aya Lonsdale" she replies. I walk out with no further words and look at the list" it reads...
-trying to tear of his ears.-saying the rain is too loud, when it's not raining.-saying 12 loads (now saying 11)-repeating the word death.-talking about masterpiece?-saying you'll never find masterpiece.-laughing at you.
I don't bother to read the rest, she signed the bottom of the list with her name and a drawing of a cat. "Cute" I think to myself. I walk back into the watching area of criminal 17's cell. He looks me straight into the eye for about 7 minuets and then suddenly lurches forward and screams in an attempt to scare me. I am a bit frightened but I don't show it. He laughs and then says "11" again and starts trying the claw out his ears again. "THE RAIN IS TOO LOUD!" He screams. I pick up a pencil and add to the list "tries to scare you"
I wake up the next day and go to see what new things criminal 17 has been doing now. Scratched into the walls are an address and the words "you'll never find the masterpiece" he is looking at his work of art on the wall and repeating "10,10,10" I add this to the list and the address.
I meet up with Aya and we talk about it. "Right, why would he send us to an address? Unless it's a trap." She says. I sigh. "Because he wants us to find his lair, he's been caught now there's nothing more we can do to him. He doesn't want his 'masterpiece' to be unfound, after all it's a masterpiece." Aya nodded and look at the address. "It's all the way in Birmingham!" She exclaimed. I shake my head and chuckle. "That's a dally compared to some of the trips I've had to take for this job" I mock.
Aya and I make a trip to go to the address with a backup policeman, chief lucindale accept our trip and sooner than I expected, we were making plans to go to the address . I walk through the watching area for criminal 17s cell. I take a quick glance. He looks at me and says "good luck, you have 10 days." I sigh and write it down and walk out the watching area into the car park into my car. I drove home trying to put everything together in my head. As I drive I hear my phone go off. It's Aya. It reads.
'Remember to bring some sort of weapon and a water bottle ' It was a rather unprofessional text for this matter, but she was a very unprofessional lady. But I liked her she was sweet and a good partner.
I am finally home and I reply. 'You know people's life's are at stake, right?' She doesn't reply for a full 20 minuets. "Yes, I'm fully aware! Thanks brook. ️ xx" Ugh, brook is this nickname she's given me and it annoys me so much. I don't reply.
I wake up to find the light shining through the curtains into my eyes. I wake up to millions of texts from Aya.
'Good morning sleep head! ''Ready to go?''Hey, it's time!''Brook, it's been 15 minuets where are you😑?''Brick!''*brook''DAMN! Autocorrect.''You better be here in at least half an hour or I cancel the trip'
That text was sent ten minuets ago! 'On my way!' I text back and quickly shove on my suit and shove some things into a brief case and slide a gun into my belt, as a detective I'm allowed a gun. It's pretty cool! I grab a banana and jump in the car. I drive up to work. I walk past criminal 17 who's now whispering "9 days, 9.9.9"His head is blood stained, he's been scratching again. 'He's mental' I think to myself as I leave.
Aya is waiting in the hall with her foot tapping and her arms crossed. "Why? Hello to you!" She says cross."Hi." I reply sternly."Sooo... you ready?" "Yes, always" "Let's go!"
In the car it's kind of boring, we are driving from London to Birmingham. That's a fair long time. She keeps making failed conversation attempts. In the end she phones her partner, it gets a bit lovey-dovey. Blergh! "Get a room." I joke. She laughs and it makes me feel good.
We get to the address and it's a basement, an actual basement. Right, we have the list of things he said in one hand and a gun in the other. Her gun is green, it's cute. We nod at eachother to go in.
When we go in I see a pole leaking into a drain and the drip-drop is so loud. Suddenly I remember.'The rain is too loud!' He always says that! He claws at his ears, he can still hear it in his mind because he's nuts.
Suddenly I hear a noise, it's a human, it's a groan. "Hello?" Aya calls out. Dumb move, we could have been killed there. "Do you need help?" She says. "Shut up!" I reply. Suddenly a murmur is heard from the drain. "Please help." Says a different voice suddenly it all adds up in my head. all the things he said it connects! It truely is an evil masterpiece.
(In case you don't understand: he trapped some prisoners in a drain with nothing but a leaking pipe but eventually the water would drown them but it takes 12 days, hence criminal 17 counting down the days until they all drown. Criminal 17 didn't think anybody would find it because it's underground in a drain. Also the dripping of the water has been implanted into his brain so now it's all he hears hence him trying to claw off his ears and repeating "the the rain is too loud!" It's really a masterpiece, eh?)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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