Why Does It Still Hurt?

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First thing's first, I wanted to give a shout out to AlphaLightBearer since her pic inspired this fic (Hey that rhymes!), here's the link to it and don't be afriad to check out her channel! Well IF your not into t-cest then I sugest not to but if you are her Art is just right for you!  http://alphalightbearer.deviantart.com/art/Why-does-it-still-hurt-389583852 , oh and LightBearer sorry that I didn't put Lots of T-cest  into this It's just that I still can't decided weather i'm a fan or not and I'mma not explain it cause then I'll start rambaling so onto the Story!

Oh and tmnt does not belong to me and this takes place in the Nick version only they are older.        ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don's P.O.V~ So many time's I've tried to forget, I've tried to  reason with myself but my brain and my heart where like 2 bickering siblings who just couldn't agree with each-other!

And to tell you the truth at the moment I believed my heart more than my brain, no matter how many times it's helped me along the road.

My brothers where all happy for her, I know we all had a crush on her even in the slightest bit but they all got over her, I couldn't! If you still haven't caught on i'm talking about April, my best friend or should I say my best Female Friend. After 4 years I still couldn't confess my feelings for her, after four years she was still oblivious to the fact!. after four year she had found a boyfriend. A Sloppy, Sarcastic, Idiot of a Boyfriend and his name was Casey Jones. They've been dating for 3 years while I've known April for 5 and I've never gotten a chance to ask her out.

I pushed myself away from my desk and went to get some pizza, the boy's ordered my least favroite which would be sausage, mushrooms and Anchovies. they all seemed to love it but to me the wierd taste was Horrid! but it was either that or starve myself so I guess I'd better just suck it up. I grabbed the two smallest slices and put them on a plate, they were still warm thankfully. I picked the toppings off reluctantly knowing that i'd still be able to taste it then walked over to the couch to maybe watch T.V with Mikey.

Just then a squealing, red headed April bounced into the lair. immediately I started blushing, my heart started racing and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, but that all crumbled when I saw Casey walk in behind her, he looked proud about something, and he was covered in Kisses...

Not a good sign for me.

I put my plate down as I tried to comprehend what she was babbling about, Mikey seemed to catch on before me.

"really?!, Congratulations Carrot head!, man Casey i didn't think you were Ever gonna ask!," Mikey said with a BIG smile on  his face. 

Then Raph, "yeah I helped him out, he never would've had the guts to do it if i hadn't knocked some sense into him," he said smugly, receiving a playful punch from Casey.

"Either way, we're all happy for you," Leo said glaring at Raph for ruining the moment

Even master Splinter caught on before I could, and he was a room away! "yes, this is a joyus moment, today marks the day when you two are from now on more than just a couple, hopefully it will stay that way years after your wedding day," Master splinter said.

And  that was when my world came crashing down, my heart shattered into tiny pieces, that flutter in my stomach was completely gone, my eyes started to burn and my nose started to stuff and I was afraid if I spoke my voice would crack.

They would all see that I'm still not over April.....

At first I didn't believe it, maybe this was just some kind of sick joke that the gang had done to make me get over April, Maybe She did know and had agreed to prank me so that I wouldn't moon over her!

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