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World. World was a place, like our own. A land. World is not as large as you think. In fact, you can run across World in around 20 World days (1 World day is 30 hours). Unlike our world, there is no time zones. Everywhere across World, it is day time and when it becomes night, the whole sky slowly fades into darkness. World is similarly formed like ours. But people live in...tribes, I guess? Groups, maybe. Like a pack of friends surviving in their own way, in random locations in World. But, there are some structures that are in World, that nobody seems to know anything about!

For example, there is The Temple of Vines, a small temple in the swamp-like area of World and is covered in vines. Then, there is the Tower of Grounds, a ruined tower in the mountain area of World, that has collapsed. There is also the Fortress, a ruined ancient fortress in the desert-area of World. The Chamber, a underground giant chamber filled with ancient machines. Finally, the Tomb of Destruction, a tomb under the desert-area of World, filled to the top with explosives. Nobody in World, really knows anything about these structures. They have just been there...forever.

There is one legend in World. It's called 'The Team of Solitude', which was created to explain the mysterious structures. It's been around forever, like the structures, so people debate whether that legend is real or not. It goes like this:

The Team of Solitude was made up of 5 individuals. Markus the builder. Megan the witch. Don the destroyer (he loved explosives! Duh!). Caesar the inventor and Clint the warrior. These 5 people formed the Team of Solitude, each having a structure for each other. Megan created the Temple of Vines. Don created the Tomb of Destruction. Caesar made the Chamber. Clint got the Fortress. Finally, Markus got the Tower of Grounds.

These 5 people, after years of hard work, defeated a legendary monster known as the Corrupt, which consumes everything in its path, except nature. It turns nature from green to purple. After a great ordeal, the Team of Solitude defeated the Corrupt and cured the affected nature. Then structures were destroyed in the fight. Slowly, the Team of Solitude slipped into pages of legend and we never seen of again.


I snap the long stick in half and tossed it into the burning campfire. I heard a screech in the distance and a hiss. I turn around. Trudges. I turn around and rolled the cooked chicken over. It was finally cooked! I grabbed it and stomped the hell out of the campfire, extinguishing it. I take off with all the food I had gathered. I sprint through the forest, for a few minutes, before arriving at a familiar sign, pinned to a tree.

XGDT -->

XGDT was the code name for my group. I sprint in the direction the sign was pointing and spot the wooden house, with lights emerging from it. I can hear the Trudges right behind me. The front door of the giant wooden house, covered in vines, opens. Margo steps out, with a bow. "Duck!" She yells. I duck and 2 arrows zoom over my head and hit the Trudges. I turn around. 2 dead Trudges. Trudges resembled wolves, with brown fur and red spots all over it. It has a head of a snake and the legs of a giraffe. Really weird animals, Trudges are. I run into the house and Margo shrugs the door behind me. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, GOING OUT AT NIGHT?!" Margo yells. I toss My backpack in the couch. I open it and pull out the cooked chickens, wrapped in plastic. Margo's eyes widen. "F-f-food?" She chokes, grabbing a chicken. Emmanuel bursts into the room and stares at me. "We've been worried sick! W-" then he saw the chicken. He was shortly followed by Matt Johnson,  Danielle Dove, Thomas McCoy, Mike Bernard and Bane Metz. I smile. "Help yourselves"


When the sun came back up, I could hear nearby Trudges running off, back to their caves. I grab my wooden dagger, before I hear a loud cough. "Going somewhere?" Bane asks. Shit. He caught me. I turn around. Bane had his arms folded. "Uhh...yeah" I say, grabbing my backpack. Bane coughs again. I turn around and sigh. "Okay, I'll be back by lunch" I mutter and jog into the woods. I keep my dagger in my hand, ready in case a Trudge or another group member lashed out at me. I sprinted through the forest, before I hear a grunt. I stop running and look around the forest. In the distance, through the leaves, I can see the desert. That's where the Fortress would be. If someone lashed out at me, I could attack or run into the Fortress, to loose them. I hear another grunt. I hear a twig snap. I turn around and swing my dagger. There was a person there, who ducked under the dagger and grabbed my arm holding the dagger. He twisted it and kicked my stomach. He snatched the dagger out of my hands and kicks me again. I fall to the ground and moan. It was Malcolm Burns. The biggest jerk and douchebag in all of time and space. He laughs. "Lot easier than I expected-" Malcolm was interrupted by a loud thud. There was an arrow, sticking out of the tree right next to him. He rubbed his nose. There was a tiny bit of blood coming from a small cut on his nose. I turn left and he turns to his right. Margo was standing around 30 metres away, on a boulder, with a bow and arrow. "The precision is real" she says and pulls out another arrow. She fires. Malcolm leaps out of the way and started sprinting into the woods. Mango stares at me. Ohhhh shit. "You ain't leaving the house for 4 days"


It is just my fucking luck. Why does life in World suck so much?

WORLD Episode 1: The Fallen LandWhere stories live. Discover now