Chapter 5 The Meetup

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They all go through a rainbow vortex!

Matt grins. "Man, this is what you call traveling in style! Wee! This is Psychedelic!" He puts his hands out to the side in a Free Faller's position! Rose is not enjoying it.
"I feel nauseated and dizzy!"
Kieran whoops! "Yeah ha hah! Woo hoo hoo hoo! This is like an epic rollercoaster ride with rainbows!" Lucinda laughs sheepishly at Kieran's comment. After about 2 minutes, the vortex disappears then they all arrive at Ice Lake Town. In the Team Aquarius team base, Lucinda smiles. Well we're here. Rose is green in the face, "I think I'm going to hurl!" Matt gives Rose a barf bag.
Kieran cheers. "Hurray! We must do that more often!"
Rose vomits into the barf bag and Matt winces. "Oh, Rose's stomach didn't take that very well." Rose mutters faintly. "No! Never again. NEVER EVER AGAIN!" The trio look around to see the Team Aquarius rescue team base. Matt's ecstatic.
"My god, look at this!" Rose speaks, still a bit queasy.
"My god, I'm looking!" Kieran eyes widen in awe. "Ooh ah! Wow, this one's even better looking than our one!" The Base is immensely tall. It's shaped like a Lapras with 2 floors and they go in. Lucinda shows them around. They go in to the front room where Surf the Gyarados is watching the PKMN news network. Lucinda clears her throat, "Ahem!"
Surf hears her and speaks in his strong Australian accent, "Huh what?" He turns to see her, "Crikey, Lucinda you're back!" Lucinda shakes her head,
"Why aren't you training to level up?" Surf looks nervous. "Um..." A sweat drop appears on his head. "I just heard on the news that Darkcore's up to his usual tricks again!"
Lucinda looks curious. "Where's Blaster at?"
Surf replies, "He's training at Makahita Dojo!"
Lucinda smiles. "Oh, okay. When will he be back?"
Surf shakes his head, "Dunno gal. Soon perhaps?"
Then there's a knocking at the door.
Lucinda goes to get it. "Oh I'll get it!" Surf sees Kieran, Matt and Rose! "Hey"! "Ain't ya". Team AquaGrass? G'day mate's, my name's Surf. You must be Kieran, Matthew and Rose!" Matt's irritated!
"Matthew?? Please don't call me that. I hate that name so much!" Surf is shocked "Crikey mate! No need to get riled with me like an Riled up 'Roo!"
Rose laughs at Matt. "YOUR TRUE NAME IS MATTHEW!"
"Wow I didn't know that Matthew." Matt gets angry with her. A rage mark appears on his forehead.
"That's it! Yah!" He shoves her to the ground.
Surf is in shock. "Struth, that guy's got issues!"
Rose gets up and cleans herself off. "Whoa, why'd you shove me for?"
Matt looks away. "Didn't you hear what I just said, wise guy, I hate being called Matthew!"
Lucinda comes in. "Team AquaGrass," She points at Blaster the Blastoise. "This is Blaster, the muscle of our team!" Blaster smiles. "Yep! I'm the powerful one, Lucinda's the heart of the team, and Surf's the comedian". Kieran smiles. "Pleased to meet you"? "Now let's do this".
Blaster curious. "Do what"?
Lucinda determined. "Stop Darkcore and save Grace". "Alright team let's do this" "Aquarius assemble".
Blaster says. Time to blast the bad guy! He punches his palm.
Surf says. "Time to deliver a Splashing defeat".
Kieran smiles. "Hey"! "Cool they've got Catchphrase's".
Matt winks. "We need some of that action"!
Rose shrugs . "Do we really"?
Lucinda with determination. "Okay then everyone"! "Let's go". They all head off to Malefic Malefactor.

A/N Well the team of six have made it to Malefic Malefactor what challenges await find out in Chapter 6

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