Chapter 7 - You're Stupid, Shravan

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Question: has anyone ever fallen in love?
I wanna know if the sparks and pacing heartbeat etc in books is true.

Chapter 7 - You're Stupid, Shravan

"Where's Sanya?"

That was the first question raised by Shravan as soon as Ahar met him. A worried Ahar had been contemplating about asking Shravan if she could borrow money from him. He had called her his friend. Ahar's money worry set aside as she processed the words thrown at her.

"How am I supposed to know?" she calmly asked.

"Don't play this stupid oh-I'm-innocent game with me!" he said sharply. Seeing Ahar still giving him a what're-you-talking-about expression, he continued, "There are two kidnappers. One guy and one girl. I get a call and you know what I heard?"

"Enlighten me."

"The girl didn't have a Harayanvi accent." Ahar found that somewhat of a clue, but she didn't see how she was involved. "Shivani has the accent. You and her are the only female suspects."

"I'm a suspect?" Ahar asked taken aback.

"Obviously!" he said frustrated. "You were one of the first people I met in this country. No one just decides to help someone else out without their own motive behind." Ahar watched him, controlling herself. "You don't have the accent! You and your partner--probably your boss--work together to kidnap Sanya!"

Quietly, Ahar crossed her arms. "And what's the motive?"

"Obviously, money! Every time I offered you money, you took it."

Ahar immediately regretted taking money from him. She slightly felt smart for not asking him for money today. Shravan had lost his marbles and was blaming Ahar and Anchal for no reason.

"You don't have a Harayanvi accent either," Ahar said, "Does that make you a suspect?" Shravan narrowed his eyes at her. "You're stupid, Shravan. I don't know how you built up this nonsense accusing me, but it's completely wrong. I helped you because--why am I even explaining myself to you?" Ahar didn't have a lot of time and she needed to get money for her mother. "You have no proof of me kidnapping your girlfriend. Do what you want. Forgive me for trying to help. Apparently, that motive is sketchy enough."

She walked away, rubbing her face.

She felt hurt.

All along Shravan considered her the enemy. She had wanted to shout and snap on him, but who was he to her?


One thing she had learned in school was that don't waste your time on people who don't value it.

Ahar had spent a lot of time trying to find Sanya when she could've found herself a job. Today was Thursday. Shravan was out of her help line. She couldn't ask Suman since her rommate was already taking care of all the bills and rent. Anchal was a potential option but she had already taken her salary of the month out.

She had no one.

Plan B is gonna suck, Ahar thought, running a hand through her hair.

She went home and called all the potential buyers. The highest amount of money she could attain was fifteen thousand rupees. She already had five thousand. Ahar would still remain ten thousand short. She had no other choice. Ahar finalized the deal with the man and they decided to meet after her work.

On the other side, Shravan became furious after Ahar walked away. She still pretended to be innocent!

He decided to follow her every move until he got proof she wasn't innocent.

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