Chapter 1

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        The fae were unusually bright and talkative tonight. The bright lights surrounding them glowed a yellowy-white color as they chattered away in their language of tinkling bells and gusts of wind. Although they knew that nobody was in that part of the Riverwick forest except for them, they still feared their gossip being overheard. 

          "You mean that she's seeing the prince?" one whispered. 

          "Of course she is seeing the prince!" another exclaimed, glowing brighter as her voice grew more quick and high pitched.

       A shadow moved in the forest and the three candle flame sized fae swung around to follow it with their eyes. It wasn't something that belonged in Riverwick. It was too dark for that; a creature of the night. It was so dark that the wisps of blackness coming off of its body was infecting the plant life, making it whither, blacken and die before the fae's eyes. 

         "Get out of here! Go! Shoo!" the third fae flailed her tiny arms in an attempt to make the large smoke-like blackness go away. It had little effect. For a brief moment, the creature took form. It looked like a large black dog, but only the first half of the body. Where the inky back paws and tail would be was still wispy darkness. It hadn't fully transformed, but it was enough to frighten the fae. 

         "What is a Raaweran doing here?" the now-orange-with-fear first fae breathed. Nobody answered. All three were quite entranced and frightened by the labored breathing of the wispy Raaweran which could blow them away or kill them at a moment's notice. 

            The three of them slowly floated away, not once taking their eyes off of the wispy dog. The wind picked up, which was effectively the Raaweran growling. This made the trio back off even faster.  They only turned when the Raaweran was little more than a speck among the trees that they swerved among almost blindly. 

    After turning, they flitted towards the central home of the fae. They couldn't help but look over their shoulders to see if the Raaweran was following. If they hadn't been so panicked, they might have realized that the Raaweran would never have ventured further than the edge of the Riverwick forest. However, it was still their duty to warn the community of the danger that was afoot. 

       They didn't get a word out, however, as the fae community was already in a panic, as they had seen the orange light of fright emanating from the three fae from quite a distance away. The community was already abuzz with the silent news of danger. 

      Amongst the danger was talk, whispers of the missing Fae Queen and murmurs of rumors about what she would do when she came back. A few years ago, there might not have been any talk in the midst of such panic, but now it was like some sort of sick conspiracy. 

      It was well known that the Fae Queen was together with the Dark Prince and had been for many moons now. Although this was one event that was not expected: the arrival of one of the Dark Prince's subjects. 

     The Raaweran was not just a shadow beast--it was a Were-beast, like everyone said the Dark Prince was. The main question among the fae consisted of one word: why? Why was the shadow-beast here? Why was it outside the reign of the Lochdeer kingdom? But no one was going to be questioning the beast any time soon, not for a few days at a minimum. However, it was more realistic to assume that the shadow were-beast wouldn't be questioned. Ever. 

        The fae were quick to create even more protection spells around their already overprotected glen. The magick glowed purple, blue and white from the small glowing orbs to the entirety of the Riverwick glen. Protection against the dark prince, defense against shadow beings and were-beasts and bracing against those coming from Lochdeer. They doubled the protection against all of those that had even had contact with Lochdeer.

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