Chapter 4---Rose Johnson's P.O.V.

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There are five factions. Divided. It will be this way forever. Why? Because it just is. I would say I was a typical Amity girl, I guess. Except... How would I know? Typical Amity girls don't think about this... I don't know. If I was any other faction... Maybe I'm afraid of getting hurt.

"You ready?" My mother asks as I finish thinking. "Yup. I think." I say. My mother, Artis, is beautiful. She is a perfectionist, and will not stop until she thinks everything, and I mean everything, is absolutely perfect. I think I got some of that from her. "Do I look okay?" I ask her, because I need her approval. "Do you think you look okay?" She asks me. Always trying to make me think. Sometimes I could have sworn she was an Erudite. "I do, I guess." I say, half-heartedly. "There's no I guess, I think anything in this family." Family? I thought. Barely a family after my brother, Matt, left. "Look. I need to tell you something." She says. "There's something that I think you might have. I've watched you carefully. And I need to tell you. You, I think---" I cut her off. "There's no 'I thinks' in this 'family'" I said. "You said it yourself." She smiled. "You might be... Something called Divergent."

Taking off, I think over what my mom had told me. If you do get the result, pick Amity. Pick Amity. Pick Amity. It's the safest for you. Safest. I wanted to be safe, right? Yet I couldn't pick Amity knowing I was something else.

I got there, in our faction lines, and someone called our faction inside. Testing was today. I looked down at my red and yellow clothes. I didn't mind the colors, but I wish I could change them up. While thinking, it startled me when someone called my name.

"Rose Johnson."

I walked up, trembling. What do I have to be scared of? I asked myself. But I answered my own question. Because I could be killed today.

A man greeted me. "Hello, I'm Luke. I will be testing you." Said the same voice that called my name. He was a Candor, wearing all black and white, and he had bleach blonde hair and pale skin. "So let's get right to it!" He said and motioned me to sit in a chair in the center of the room. I sat down as he injected a serum in my arm.

Two tables. One held a knife and another, cheese. I choose the knife. Then, the tables vanish and a dog appears. It all happened so fast I don't remember most of it. The dog comes closer to me. It seems nice, I think. Before my eyes, a girl appears. And the dog chases after it with mean eyes burning with a fire of hatred. I waited to see what happened, and who to help. My heart torn, I didn't know who to help... Who to save. "Help!" The girl screamed with true distress, then, without even knowing I could, I threw my knife at the dog, hitting a bull's eyes through the head.

I awoke in the chair. "Let's get straight to the facts. You got two factions." Not a surprise. Thanks for warning me, mom. Now I know I'm dying today. "But I'm not going to tell anyone. You owe me. And in case you want to know, you got Amity and Dauntless." My mind. Racing. I'm going to stay alive. But why? "Why wouldn't you tell anyone?" I asked him. "Because I'll tell you a secret. I'm Divergent, too." My mind flooded with relief. "But you tell anyone and you're dead. And I mean it." He said sternly. "Now go. Get out! Shoo!" He half-yelled, half-talked. I ran out the door happily. I didn't know what I do now. I wasn't completely safe.

I waited back at the tables for a while until everyone finished. I was okay. Not dead! I'm Amity and Dauntless, and life couldn't have been better. My faction finished testing, and we walked home. A girl from my faction came up to me. I think her name is Abby, maybe? "How did your tests go?" She asked. As she spoke, I remembered her better. "Umm. Okay. What about yours?" She gave me a smirk. "They went great!" I should've known. She was Abby Reed. Everyone knew Abby was sure to be an Amity. The way she's always bright and happy and most of all, kind. It almost made me sick. I always thought it was the kindness was what made me sick. But it wasn't that. It was something else.

I returned home to only find my mother giving me a death stare. But seeing Abby, and mom, in Amity, and then Matt in Dauntless, it, it... Let's just say I crossed off Amity from my list of factions to choose from. "Well?" She asked. "I did it." I said taking a deep breath. "I took the test and got Dauntless." I paused as mother looked unconvinced. "Rose. Tell me the truth. It's very important." I thought it over, but no. I was not going to tell her I was Divergent. I was out of here. And it was all because I thought kindness made me sick. But again, it wasn't that. It was the acting.

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