It has to be Jamie

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"Can I ask you something? But you have to promise you won't get mad or weirded out?" Tyler asks as we lie in bed after a long day. I worked a double shift at work and he had a game. It's late but we only have a little bit of time to actually enjoy each other's company before we have to go to sleep and do it all over again. I'm used to it, though, we've been dating for 3 years now, almost 4, and this is just routine at this point. I don't technically live with him but I might as well. I'm definitely here more than I am at my own house, especially during the season when he's in Dallas. People say it's because he has commitment issues but I'm fine with the way things are. We are still young and don't need to rush into anything like moving in together or marriage. That doesn't stop people from bringing it up all of the time, though.

I met Tyler through a friend of a friend. We were set up on one of those typical blind dates where neither person is really into it and you go just to shut up your over eager friend. I had heard all about him and his reputation and honestly I wasn't even looking to date anyone at the time but my friend insisted so I went. Everything I had thought about him was wrong. He was sweet, funny, goofy, outgoing, charismatic, and honest. One of my favorite things about Tyler is that he doesn't hold back. He says what's on his mind. He isn't afraid of being himself. I'm the same way. People tell us all the time that I am the female version of him and vice versa. They don't understand how we could be so similar and still get along so well but that's what makes us so great, the fact that we are the same.

"You know I hate when you start conversations like that," I reply as I put my phone down next to me. I had been scrolling through Twitter.

He smiles. "Yeah I know but this one is kind of a big one."

"You know you're not helping when you continue on like that. Just tell me what's on your mind." I'm not going to lie. He has me a bit nervous.

"What do you think of Jamie?" he asks as he lies on his back and looks up at the ceiling.

"Jamie Benn, Jamie?" He nods his head yes. "Um. He's cool I guess."

"Do you think he's good looking? Are you attracted to him?" he questions. He's still staring at the ceiling and not looking at me, and usually when we talk he is always looking at me.

"I feel like this is a trap," I reply. I don't even think I am comfortable with answering the question. Not that I've really put any thought into it. I have blinders on when it comes to Tyler. I am stupid in love with him. I don't look at anyone else in that way. I don't have the need to.

"No. No trap. I'm just curious I guess," he replies.

"Hm." I do actually have to take time to think about my answer. Jamie is Tyler's friend, his teammate. I haven't really thought about him in any way other than that. "I guess he's not a bad looking guy or anything. Why do you ask?"

"Have you ever thought of him joining us?" he asks as he finally faces me by turning onto his side. He props his head up with his hand.

"Like, in bed you mean?" I reluctantly reply. One subject we are never shy in talking about is sex. I consider both of us to be pretty sexual people. We aren't afraid to bring up different things to try in bed, although he has never brought up having a threesome before. We don't have to be afraid to suggest new things because we know the worst thing the other could say is no. I am pretty open to trying new things and he is the same way.

"Yeah. I mean, I don't even know if that's something he would be into but it's something that's been on my mind. I figure our anniversary is coming up." He pauses to smile and raises his eyebrows a few times. "What do you think?"

I am honestly surprised by this conversation. I had no idea this was something he would be thinking about or even into. We both have seen the jokes all over the internet about the two of them being in love but we've always just laughed it off. We sometimes make our own jokes about it with each other. Maybe there is some truth there after all. "Do you want him to be with me or you?" I ask. I feel like that's a legitimate question. There are two ways this could go. I'm not sure if he wants to be the one with Jamie or he wants to see Jamie with me.

Can I Ask You Something : Tyler Seguin One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now