The Hug

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This is the first chapter of a new fanficton! I'm writing the next chapter right now, and if this one gets appreciated I'll maybe put the next one up soon💕I hope you, dear reader, will like this fanfic and yea, that's about it^.^

I sighed as he wrapped his thin but strong arms around me. It was just a friendly, helping hug but to me it felt like something so much more. I wanted it to be more.
"Let me know if ya need anything, anytime." He let go of me and I had to hold on to the wall behind me to fight the urge to drag him back. I stared into his deep, understanding  eyes. A bang of dark hair was hanging in front of one eye, making him look absolutely adorable.
"I need you."
That's what I so hopelessly wanted to say.
"Sure." That was the wrong but right answer. I can't be with him. He has a girlfriend.
"I gotta go, but I guess I'll see ya 'round." He said with that accent of his that I love, waved and started to walk away.
"Yea, see u..." I smiled.
I suddenly felt someone behind me and spinned around, looking straight at Susan, my best friend. Her familiar, white smile shone at me and her eyes was sparkling with excitement.
"Soooo..." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"You like that George-guy... As I thought."
I gave her a light punch.
"No, not that much. Just maybe, a tiny, winy, little bit." I said, trying to hide a grin.
"Come on, Brook." She smirked. "I bet you got a chance on him."
"No." My smiled disappeared as my narrowed eyes landed on his girlfriend who stood by her locker a few meters away. His perfect, pretty, stupid girlfriend.
Susan looked in the same direction and then back at me.
"Ahaaa. Well that's a problem."
"Yea." I said, still staring at the girl, trying to destroy her with my sight.
"If looks could kill." Susan giggled quietly as she tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, doesn't you go to the same class as him today? Like math or something?"
"Yep, next one, after lunch break. Should I talk to him then?" I said, now for once exited for math class.
"Do it." Susan said with a wink before giving me a quick hug and leaving.

After lunch break, I was getting my stuff out of my locker and got into the classroom. I gave the stand- in teacher, a middle aged woman with square- shaped glasses, a small smile before sitting down at a bench. I looked around me in the room, my eyes searching and longing for the brown eyed boy. The door opened and his girlfriend walked in, with George practically in a leach. I catched his eyes for a moment. He looked back at me but turned his head quickly as his girlfriend was trying to kiss him. Her long fingers was buried in his hair and his hands was on her hips as they kissed for what felt like an infinity. I felt a the jealousy grow bigger in me.
Why her? Why her? Why her?...
The woman with the glasses at the teachers desk klapped her hands as a sign for the class to keep quiet and the lesson began.
The whole math class I couldn't concentrate on a thing. I was just staring at him, thinking about him. It was hard not to.
He had hugged me about an hour ago! I wanted to go back in time and experience it again, even if it was just a simple embrace. And stop them before they could get together. But no, there was no such thing as time travel, unfortunately.
I sighed as I twisted a stipe of my hair around my finger, trying to listen to the boring teacher.
In a few minutes the clock rang and everyone got out of the classroom, the couple that I hated so much last to get out, snuggling and kissing. I gagged at the sight and looked away. There were no chance to talk to him now. When I got out in the corridor it was almost empty, everyone had already gone home. I went to my locker, taking my stuff and then out of the building, going home.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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