unjchapter 4

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Today was friday the day before they got to head to their grandfather's house for a full week. They were still gonna be able to spend some time at the pool party tonight which will be fun. Their parents got them out of school for the whole day so tey could spend some time with them before they go hang with their friends for the both of them.
Mel-This is gonna be a gret day today.
Ally- I know because we get to spend sometime with mom and dad before we get to spend sometime at this spring break pool party.
Mel- Yeah, this wass nice that mom and dad are gonna let us have that time with some friend since we won't be able to go to the dance tomorrow.
Ally- Yeah, we need to hurry and get ready because they would like to leave earlyto do something with us.Mel- Ok
So, with that the girls finished getting ready before their parents called them to leave the housse.
When the time came to leave their mom called them downstairs to leave the house for a wwhile. They were gonna go to the zoo and see all the animals and different things. This should be some fun today. The girls love the zoo. They have since they were little girls. when they got downstairs they had to get in the car to leave right away, so they could be back in time for the girls to get ready to go to the pool party later.
Ally- so, mom. Where are you two taking us to spend sometime with you and dad before tomorrow/
Mom- We are going to take you to a fun day at the zoo.
Mel- If that is where you really wanna take us it's fine.
Dad- Yes, that's where your mother and I wanna take you.
Ally- Ok
with that they got in the car and went on their way to the zoo.

Text time:
Allyy- what do they think we aaare 5?
Mel- IDK..Like going there when we were little
Ally- Yeah, but not now
we are in high school
Mel- Let's not hurt their felling
and try to have fun for them
they put thought into what they
wanted to do for us
Ally- your right
we will

Dad- What are you girls doing riigh now?
Mel- Looking at our phones.
Dad- Well, your suppose to be spending time with us.
Ally Let us finish updating facefook before we do.
Dad- Hurry!!

Facebook update-
Hanging with our parents right now before we go to Paris tomorrow to see our gandfather. This is lame because they are taking us to the zoo. they must think we are 5.

Ally- ok, dad! we are done with that now.Mom- That good. No texting or facebook til we get home. All you could do with your phones is take some pictures if you want to.
Mel- Sounds fare enough then.
Mom- So, are you girls ready to go in the morning?
mel- Yes, we can't wait to be gong finally. This should be fun.
Ally- Yeah, haven't seen grandpa for such a long time.
Mom- He is excited to be seeing the both of you girls. He loves the both of you.
Ally- That's good to hear that.
Dad- Look!! We are at the zoo now.
So, with that he parked the car.
When the car was parked they walked up to the gate to pay, so they could get in.
The lady at the window- Hi! How many tickets do you need?
Dad- 4 tickets, please.
The lady- That'll be $80 , please.
So, with that their dad paid the lady for the tickets. The girls couldn't believe how much the tickets ccame to. They shouldn't have come if it was gonna be that much at all.
soon as they got the tickets they all went inside the gates. This wa where gonna go and look at the animals.The girls took some pictures of all of them, so later they could post them on facebook.
Dad- So, are you girls having fun here?
Ally- No, not really. we are not 5 anymore and we thought we would be doing something different then this.
Dad- sorry!!! Thought you girls would like it.
Mel- No not really, but we like spending time with you though.
Dad- That's good to hear that you like to spend time with us.
Mom- How bout we go eat now, so we could get you home to go to your party.
Mel- Sounds good.
Mom- Sounds like you wanna do that more then be here.
Ally- It's not that we just don't wanna be there at the zoo. That's all.
Mom- ok
So, with that they went to the car. They were gonna go eat at " The golden corral. " It's an all you could eat buffet with all kinds of verietyfood. They have 5 oz steaks and stuff on it. They love eating here.

at homeThey all got home around 5pm, so the girls had to go upstairs to their room to get ready for the pool party that will be happening in a few short hours to come. Everybody is gonna b there at this party. They may run into Shane and Kyle while they are there and they knew it. It shouldn't bother them if they don't let it.
Mel- when do you wanna leave to o to this party?
Ally- Well, it starts at 8pm, so how bout around 7:30pm?
Mel- That sounds good. We have plenty of time. Then to get ready since we did everything else.
Ally- True true
With that they went ahead and finished getting ready. When they were geting ready Ally got a text.

Text time
Shane: Hey r u two coming to the poool party?
Ally- yes we r
Shane- Ok..Kyle and i want to
hang with u two befor u leave
Ally- Won't Heyleen and Darleen get maaf if you do?
Shane- We told them we were gonna
hang with u two tonight
and we will go to the dance wih them tomorrow night
Ally- Ok
c u there

conversation between Ally and Mel:
Mel- Who were you texting/
Ally- Shane!
Mel- What did he want?
Ally- Him and Kyle are gonna hang with us at the pool party tonight.
Mel- what's going on with Hayleen and Darleen ?
Ally- They told them they are gonna hang with us and go to the dance with them tomorrow like they planned.
Mel- Ok..If that's what they wanna do.
Soon as they finished getting ready they grabbed their bags and left. They were heading to the pool party right now.

The pool party
Now the girls grabbed their bags and got in the car and drove away to the pool party. That will be taking place in about a half hour. They were so excited because they still will get to see Shane and Kyle. There were gonna be a ton of people from school who likes to have fun at parties. Some people like to stay home and study away from big crowds like this one.
Ally- Can't believe how big this party is gonna be tinight once we were there.
Mel- I know all the grades are allowed to attend, but only the people who love to party or like big crowds will be in attendance for this.
Ally- Hope this goes well. Wanna have some fun with the guys when we do get there.
Mel- How are we gonna know when they are at the party?
Ally- We have to text them when we get there annd they will coome out to get us at the care.
Mel- That sounds good.
When the girls arrived at the location of the party they parked the car. There already were people there. ( a lot ) They couldn't believe it.
Mel- Can't believe there is this many people here already.
Ally- I know. I'll text the boys and let them know we are here, so they could come out to the car.

Text time
Ally- We r here in the car
Shane- Ok...we will b right out

So with that the guys cme out to the car to get the girls. Shane knocked on the window of the car when they got out there and the fgirl looked up and then got out of the car.
Shane- So, are you girls ready to go inside and have some fun now?
Ally- Yes, we are ready.
So, with that they walked inside. They were just hoping that Haydenn and Darleen wer not gonna start any trouble tonight. They saw Ally and Mel walk in with Shane and Kyle. They gave them a dirty look. The girls just kept walking with the guys. They went and got something to drink and headed out to the pool area to check it out. This place was so nice. It was some rich kids house.
The girls were having such a great time at this party, but the trip they are gonna be going on is gonna be way better. Lots of people would kill to go to Paris on spring break if they could.

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