There is this thing,
and this thing it lives inside of me.
It is a faceless thing
a nameless thing,
but I can feel it.
And inside of me
it breaks my bones
and tears my muscles
and rattles me from the inside out.
This Faceless Nameless thing,
it sets my teeth to a chatter.
So the Mister, he says,
"Try this, we'll get you through it, see you again in a few."
So I wait...
and wait...
and wait...
But the Faceless Nameless
rages on inside of me.
And it is all the worst
because it is faceless and nameless.
But I can feel it.
I know it is there
even though I know not
what it is.
Even as it sets my teeth
to a chatter.
And it breaks my bones,
it tears my muscles.
It sets a fog
over me so that I
can not even sum up the
will to fight it.
This Faceless Nameless rages on.
But my soul has a face,
and my soul has a name.
And that name is mine
and that face is mine.
And whats mine is mine,
and I will take what is mine.
Though my bones may break
and my muscles may tear,
whats mine is mine.
The Faceless Nameless
PoetryThis is a poem about the fear of the unknown. It is about illness and overcoming setbacks.