chapter three:i wanna be yours

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chapter three

carolines POV:

I awoke to Waffle pawing my face "What's up?" I moaned and he meowed back. I sat up and my head started banging, oh how I love hangovers. I was wearing the outfit from yesterday and my shoes were on the floor. I had no idea how I got home. I got undressed and climbed into the shower because I could smell the alcohol coming through my pores. After my shower I walked downstairs in my towel to make some coffee since I wasn't myself without a coffee first thing, radio one breakfast was on loud since Nick Grimshaw was a good friend of mine. I didn't hear someone creep up behind me.
"You making me one?" I jumped out my skin when I turned round to see Olly.
"Jesus" I laughed. "When did you get here?"
"You can't remember?"
"Neither can I, I just woke up on your sofa" he laughed.
"What will Francesca be thinking?" I sat down and handed him his coffee.
"She cheated on me" he looked down, staring into his coffee. I suddenly remembered bits.
"Olly" I walked around the table and hugged him. "It's okay" I kissed his head.
"It was inevitable Caz"
"How'd you mean?"
"She was always like that, always flirting with other men, she was always out, I kinda knew it was just time till it came out"
"She doesn't deserve you anyway ol" I sat back in my seat across from him.
"No she does, I'm a mess"
"Don't say that, you have loads of girls after you"
"What teenage girls? I want someone that actually cares and wants a serious relationship I am 30 I want to settle down"
"I understand Ols, I feel the same"
"Only 10 years until we can marry each other" he winked.
"What are you on about?" I laughed.
"Can't you remember our deal?" I shuck my head. "We said when we turned 40 and we are both single we'll just marry each other"
"oh aye I do remember now you've said it"
"you need to stop watching emerdale" he laughed.
"shut up, I'm off to get dressed"
"alright darlin"

When I came back downstairs fully dressed and made up (about half an hour later) Ols was sat on my sofa watching the news.
"what we doing today then?" I perched next to him to tie my adidas superstars shoelaces.
"Up to you but I'm not dressed for any occasion"
"You might have something upstairs from 2012" I laughed.
"I dread to think"
"Come on let's go look"
In the bottom draw of chest of draws was clothes that weren't mine but what friends had left if they had slept over for a night. A pair of extremely large pair trousers that had once belonged to Olly were sat with one of his shirts near the bottoms.
"At least you were still fashionable" I laughed while throwing them at him.
"One issue I've lost weight" he laughed in a reply holding up the jeans.
"I've got a belt you can borrow" I winked as I left the room.

He returned downstairs wearing his clothes which were a bit big around the waist but because Olly had bulked up his shirt was a nice tight fit around his arms and a bit looser around the stomach which he could pull off.
"Look at you, oooo" I smiled.
"Shut up" he laughed. "What we doing? Where we off?"
"You drive" I chucked my keys at him as I turned off the tv and the light that was on.
"I don't know where we are off though" he stopped so I pushed him out of my door laughing.
"Please unlock the car and lock the door"
"Bossy" he mummered. I was at the bottom of my front steps when he continued with "I love it" hoping that I wouldn't hear him.
"I heard that" I shouted from my car.
"I meant you to!" he replied walking towards my car. As he turned on the ignition Capital FM came on, and ironically they were talking about Summer Time Ball which Olly was performing at in a bit more than a months time.
"Are you excited?" I asked while shoving a piece of chewing gum in my mouth.
"Summer time ball?"
"Oh yeah, same old same old, it's always a buzz but I do it every year" he laughed. "Give us one"
I shoved one in his mouth. "cheers" he mumbled while chewing.
"You don't sound too excited"
"I am, I love seeing my fans, but not everyone there is there for you, it's different when I'm touring"
"I get you"
"So where we off?"
"Okay Caz" Olly started laughing.
"What's funny?" I replied.
"Cinema, how original"
"I don't understand"
"We went for to the cinema, then food, it's a way out of speaking to someone isn't it"
"I didn't think of it like that, I just wanted to go see the longest ride"
"That really girly one about horses"
"Yes" I smiled while he rolled his eyes.
"Fine, I'm choosing where we are having lunch then"
"lunch as well, lucky me" I winked making sure he saw.
"Of course baby" he winked back.
"I've missed you"
"I've missed you too"

We parked with a struggle due to how overcrowded it was in the retail park, the cinema wasn't too busy so we managed to get our tickets and enter the screen without being photographed which was a surprise since everyone loves Olly. As I suspected the film was amazing and I was bawling since I cry at everything and anything when it comes to films. While walking out of the screen Olly grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "I love you" he whispered as he held the door open for me.
"I love you too" I smiled as I took his hand again. Just as I said that a girl spotted Olly.
"MUM THATS OLLY MURS!" she screamed and multiple people turned around. Fuck. We ran back to my car and quickly drove off, we love out fans but we hate unneeded publicity. We had to find somewhere quieter where we could eat without being interrupted the best thing about London, is the size and how you can find a restaurant you didn't know about in 0.5 seconds. We settled on a Greek restaurant called 'the olive branch'.

That night after a beautiful day together Olly kissed me on the cheek and climbed into a cab. God he kills me.

I met flack!!

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