That One Mistake

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"Hey Zoie... I was wondering if you can come over today my parents aint home and we can do what ever you like baby" nervously said Ryan. "I would love to baby. Don't be nervous I was gonna say yes either way." Cheerfully said Zoie. The last bell rung and dismissed the students. Ryan and Zoie walked out the front doors and started heading to Ryans house. After some time later they finnaly made it to Ryans house. Ryan let Zoie in then they headed up to Ryans room. Zoie Immediately pushed Ryan against the wall with tremendous force close to knocking the wind out of him. "How...How the hell did you do that?!?!" Shouted Ryan. "You know I was just gonna use you at first but I found out you are a great guy so i want you to be mine forvever and I know how to make that happen." Zoie evilly grinned and kissed Ryan then she slowly moved down to his neck then starts to suck on it. "W-what are you doing I dont want my parents to see I have a hickey my mom will kill me." Said Ryan. "She can't kill what already dead..." Zoie said then she opened her mouth as wide as she could fangs grew from her canine teeth then Zoie chomped down into Ryan neck. "What s-shes a VAMPIRE!! But she isn't sucking my blood shes injecting her own!" Ryan screamed in his thoughs too suprised to talk.

Zoie kept injecting her blood into Ryans neck for another minute then she let go then said "Mhmm baby that was delious I didn't just suck your blood baby no I gave you some of mine. So no your all mine for the rest of your imortal life." Ryan Collasped to the ground and passed out with blood driping from his neck. About 5 hours later Ryan woke up over the killing pain in his stomache. "AHH! My stomache is -Cough-my stomache feels like its gonna consume itself!" Ryan started feeling nauseous so he makes his way to the bathroom and pukes up blood. "Blood what why! Why am I puking up blood!?" said Ryan coughing and pukeing more. Ryan kept vomiting for awhile like his body was rejecting its own blood like something was replacing it. Once Ryan manged to stop vomiting he then fell against the bat tub and sat there and mumbled under his breath. "I-I'm s-so cold." Ryan sat there for about 20 minutes in pain. After 30 minutes Ryan got up off the floor and started walking toward his room. Ryan then looked at his phone siting on the bedside table. "Its 4:00am and I have 1 new text, 1 from Zoie.

Text Between Ryan and Zoie

"Hey baby. Do me a favor when you see this I want you to text me back and I will tell you something."

"What did you do to me Zoie! I'm vomiting up blood and every thing."

"I will tell you just meet me in the park."

"It's 4:13am. Why this late!"

"You parents still ain't home right?"

"No. They won't be back until like 5:00pm."

"Okay then come on! You will be fine after you find out."

"Fine, but you better tell me what is wrong with me when I get to there cause my stomache is trying to comsume it self.

Once Ryan finsh texting Zoie he changed his clothes because the clothes he was wearing was covered in blood from his vomiting. After Ryan got changed he walked down stairs ignoreing the fact it was like 40 degrees outside because it was in the middle of fall about 5 days before Halloween but he walked out side and headed toward the park. Durning he walk there he saw a few people and hes stomache pain got wrose and wrose over every single person he saw, like he was geting hungry. After a 10 minute walk Ryan finally made it to the park but he saw Zoie was no where in site. Ryan looked around for a little until the pain got to him so he sat down. The pain was so unbearable that Ryan started crying but he didnt just cry regalur tear no it was blood and tears mixed. The Salty taste of the the tears mixed with the metalic taste of the blood was runing into his mouth. "What is happening to me! What have I turned into. It's so painful, so cold, and so so empty! cried Ryan. Then arms suddenly wrapped around Ryan and a voice whispered in his ear. "Baby, You made a Grave Mistake but a mistake you will never regret you will love this mistake just as much as you love me." Then Ryan got a kiss on his cheek.

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