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Kxrina|| I can't! Kennedy I can't take this anymore

Kenndoll|| Karina what the hell is wrong? I've been hearing so much shït going down in your house since last night

Kxrina|| Johnson and I broke up

Kenndoll|| holy shït you're lying

Kxrina|| What the fück is wrong with him?! He told me he never wanted to have a kid w/ me he didn't even know I'd be around this long

Kxrina|| like I didn't want to get pregnant in the first place! We didn't have to sleep together! He should've wore a condom not me!

Kenndoll|| babe it's okay. I'll have Gilinsky talk to him. I'm coming down right now, we'll take Justin to my mom's for a couple days and it will be okay

Kxrina|| I don't even know if he wants to be w/ me anymore! Like i dedicated almost 4 years of my life with him and I know damn well I didn't loose half my teenage years for him

Kenndoll|| He's an ässhöle! He gets it from his best friend but you have to think of those four years of the best or worst times and by looking at it, it's been good

Kxrina|| it doesn't make any sense! I fücking love that kid!

Kenndoll|| i know and he will realize he did the dumbest shït ever

Kxrina|| sometimes you should listen to your own advise

Kenndoll|| ik. But it's not about me it's you right now

Kxrina|| Fine. I'll get Justin ready to go

Kenndoll|| and I'm on my way to kill Johnson :)

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