The fear

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Stomping back to my room I flopped myself on top my bed singing even louder to annoy my so called sister, but knowing I had the safety of a locked door between me and those silly little elastics that everybody wears in there hair.

I can't exactly explain this fear and I know it's stupid but it torments me.

I grabbed my book off the bed and hoped to indulge in a story with lots of fit guys and no girls with hair bobbles. I couldn't bear knowing about them any longer.

I slammed the book shut unable to focus on the guys I loved and lay staring at my ceiling. My sister is such an idiot all I wanted to do was hang out and have some fun then she goes, gets out what could have killed me, how would she like it if I threatened to spray napalm all over her? She wouldn't be so mean then.

She's such a bee with an itch, well most of the time anyway especially when she jams her head in my face. Uhhhh! I think I'm going to puke.

The front door creaked shut and Dad called down. "Hi, I'm home."

"Hey!" Me and my sister shouted up. I heard her feet stomping down the stairs. I peaked down the stairs to see them in a tight embrace and ask how his day was.

Not long later the dinner was on the kitchen counter and we dug into our meal of pork chops and potatoes. I grabbed a pink dinner tray and chose carefully where to sit. I couldn't sit next to my sister she had a devil in her hair. I looked at the couch opposite and to the left was a table and there on the table was a hair bobble. I pushed my sick in my throat down and sat in the seat furthest away from the table. I picked up the fork and tried not to look at the table afraid to dampen my appetite.

You may be wondering what I do when a PE teacher asks girls to tie up their hair for gym or a science teacher instructs every girl to do so in a chemical experiment, here's the solution to all those problems... SHORT HAIR!


My sister's weird phobiaWhere stories live. Discover now