Chapter 7:You

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"Really?sure.Our club room is at the 3rd floor,with the little froggy on the door",Mio explained."Okay...",She said as she put her phone down."Senpai who was that?",Azusa asked."Oh!it was just a friend",Mio said.Mio sat at her chair...but Mugi changed places with Yui...Mio held the cup with her left hand.Mugi kept silent the whole time.Before Ritsu could speak,someone knocked at the door."I'll get i---",...."No I'll get it",Mio got cut off by Mugi.Mugi held the knob.Then she turned it.She got shocked......"Tsumugi",Yunsu said as he stared at the keyboardist."Yunsu",Mugi whispered...."Um....exuse me",Mugi said walking out of the door.....The keyboardist can't help her self...Before she can walk away...Yunsu pulled out his hand and grabbed Mugi's arm...."Tsumugi,stop running away from me!",Yunsu said."Let me go!You and I have nothing to talk about!",Mugi said is anger...."I know!Let me explain!",Yunsu exclaimed."No!thats what you always say!!!I'm tired of it!!!I get annoyed when I hear your apology!!so please let me go!!!let me go!!",Mugi yelled....Yunsu carefully untightend his hand from the keyboardist.Then Mugi manages to escape.

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