Grand Finish

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Diantha: Welcome back to another episode of Pokemon super race, in the last episode, we found out who the top three teams were, and in this episode we will find out the winner!

Ramos: In the last episode each of the eliminated teams wrote down the team that they wanted to win on a piece of paper. We will now read out the results.

Diantha: Joey and Rachel voted for Daniel and Ailani to win.
Ramos: That's one vote for Daniel and Ailani.

Diantha: Charlotte and Webster have voted for Shelly and Hayley.
Ramos: That's one vote Daniel and Ailani, and one vote for Shelly and Hayley.

Diantha: Stacy and Emily have voted for Daniel and Ailani.
Ramos: That's two votes Daniel and Ailani, and one vote Shelly and Hayley.

Diantha: Amanda and Todd have voted for Daniel and Ailani to win.
Ramos: That's three votes Daniel and Ailani, and one vote Hayley and Shelly.

Diantha: Marshal and Kabuki have voted for Hayley and Shelly.
Ramos: Three votes Daniel and Ailani, two votes Shelly and Hayley.

Diantha: Marina and Aurora have voted for Lulu and Jessica.
Ramos: Three votes Daniel and Ailani, two votes Hayley and Shelly, one vote Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Marie and Lisa have voted for Lulu and Jessica.
Ramos: Three votes Daniel and Ailani, two votes Hayley and Shelly, and Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Jackson and Jack have voted for Daniel and Ailani.
Ramos: Four votes Daniel and Ailani, two votes Hayley and Shelly, and Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Lucas and Mitchell have voted for Hayley and Shelly.
Ramos: Four votes Daniel and Ailani, three votes Hayley and Shelly, and two votes Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Serena and Calem have voted for Daniel and Ailani.
Ramos: Five votes Daniel and Ailani, three votes Hayley and Shelly, two votes Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Amy and Sarah have voted for Lulu and Jessica.
Ramos: Five votes Daniel and Ailani, three votes Hayley and Shelly, and Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Tierno and Trevor have voted for Daniel and Ailani.
Ramos: Six votes Daniel and Ailani, three votes Hayley and Shelly, and Lulu and Jessica.

Diantha: Max and Johnny have voted for Lulu and Jessica.
Ramos: Six votes Daniel and Ailani, four votes Lulu an Jessica, three votes Shelly and Hayley.

Diantha: Lisia and May have voted for Lulu and Jessica.
Ramos: Six votes Daniel and Ailani, five votes Lulu and Jessica, three votes Hayley and Shelly.

Diantha: We are down to the last vote now, Rose and Lilly! If this ends up a tie, Ramos and I will decide the winner between the two teams that tie.

Ramos: Hayley and Shelly, I am sorry to say this but you have come third place, meaning that you can't win.
Hayley and Shelly: Making it this far was a pleasure, but winning would have been a blessing!

Diantha: Rose and Lilly have voted for Lulu and Jessica, meaning that we have a tie! I will now decide the winner by talking with Ramos!

Diantha and Ramos whisper in each other's ears.

Diantha: The winning team, of season one, of the Pokemon super race is........ Daniel and Ailani!

Daniel and Ailani start dancing the hula around everywhere.

Daniel and Ailani: We won! We won! We won, we won, we won!

Diantha: Thank you for watching this episode of Pokemon super race! Be sure to watch the next episode, for information about the upcoming Pokemon Super race! I'll see you next time!

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