Chapter Two

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I walked to English class with Blanche, slowly. She didn't seem to notice the pace we were going, or maybe she just didn't question it. I had more than just the obvious in my reason. It's my first day, who wouldn't go a little slow in a situation like that?  

We got into class, seconds before being late. I took a seat next to Blanche, assuming it wasn't previously claimed. Mr. Vasquez came into the room, some student looked at him. Most didn't care. About five minutes into class, he passed out an assignment. I didn't really work on it too much, I barely understood it. I could have asked for help. But it was almost as if there was a high power force keeping me where I was - silent. 

The now familiar ding of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood gathering my things still as everyone made their way out the door. Even Blanche, who told me she didn't want to be late.  

Well, I didn't either.  

I neared the door, when a voice had halted me.  

"Miss Kraus," I heard Mr. Vasquez say behind me, "can I speak with you for a moment?" 

"Um, sure." I replied. I walked over by him, but he had gotten up and met me half way.  

"I just wanted to ask you how your day has been. I mean, if you have any problems you can let me know." As he spoke, his hand rested lightly on my shoulder, he removed it afterwards.  

"I'm fine." I glanced at the open door behind me, "I have to go, but thanks." He smiled, and walked back to his desk. I felt like I lied to him. Really, I wasn't fine. I hardly ever am.  

Somehow I made it to my next class on time. A few more seconds and I would have been late. I say down in an vacant seat by Blanche and looked up at the whiteboard in the front of the room. Math. I can't explain how much I hate math. Half the things you have to learn you don't even use, anyway. Unless you're going to be some kind of scientist, or a math teacher. I don't plan on being either.  

I pretty much daydreamed my way through the classes until dismissal. This place isn't like Germany. It's foreign. Too foreign. There's no turning back though. How could I? It's not like my parents are going to pay to see me back, even if they wanted to it's too costly. It's commitment. And commitment is a part of life – and life tends to suck. But you have to deal with whatever it throws at you, at whatever speed.

Before leaving Blanche stopped by my desk. “Hey, here’s my number,” she handed me a small piece of ripped notebook paper with digits written across it, “text me sometime.” She smiled and walked out the door. I headed for the open door, also, when I felt a vibration in my pocket. Pulled out my black iPhone to see a text message from my mother saying she’d be about ten to fifteen minutes late. I replied back with an effortless “okay.” Okay was one of those words like fine. You seldom say it with genuine meaning. It’s one of those ways to make the conversation shorter, less questionable. Really, I wasn’t okay with staying here – alone – for ten or so minutes longer than I had initially planned. But why argue?

Like this morning, I made my way to the library – where I’d basically do nothing for the next ten minutes. I walked up the flight of stairs leading to the second floor of the building. I took my steps carefully, not wanting to fall. I’ve fallen on stairs more times than I’d care to remember, most of which I fell up them. Falling down the stairs is bad, especially if it’s a long distance, but falling up is a different story. It’s like the dumber way to fall, plus you can potentially kick the person behind. That, however, might not be such a bad thing depending on the person. Either way, falling on the stairs is just embarrassing.

I walked into the still library; the librarian remained at her computer, in her own little world. I sat my stuff down at an empty (like most were) table. Bored, I went over to a book shelf and did what most people visiting a library do – looked at books. Nearly all of which were just as boring as myself. As I flipped through the random assortment of novels, I noticed some they had in common; they hadn’t been checked out more than five or so times. That certainly says something about this place…

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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