My eyes were still shut, but it didn't feel as though I was falling anymore. Slowly, as my breath was rattling in fear, I opened my eyes, only to see myself wrapped up in Yuki's arms. Questions were once again flooding my mind. This always happens at the wrong time.

"Ayuna..." he said as soon as I stopped shivering, "we stopped and you wouldn't stop trembling."

Beneath us, the view was luminous as vivid colours sparked life to the scene, which was crowded with normal people that seemed a light year away. There was no huge swarm of dead people set on the intent to kill me. Nor was there a demon sat beside me, only a caring person who bared worry in his expression.

A cold breeze swept my hair in my face as I looked back up at Yuki, terrified still, but calmer.

"What happened? These things seem to happen to you a lot."

Should I tell him? I pondered. Maybe it'll be a good thing. My clutch on Yuki's arm tightened as the wheel gave out a groan. We began to descend, but very very slowly.

"It's okay. You can tell me..." he whispered, holding me back gently.

"Okay." I sighed. "But don't think I'm... a freak or something."

"I would never."

I took a large gulp of air, let go of him, and sat up straight.

"The reason that we suddenly appeared out of the blue is because my twin sister died last year." I turned away from him. "She died and I was there, watching the life quickly be snatched from her."

I turned to look at him again. He took my hand in his and gently squeezed it. "Go on."

"We couldn't stand living there anymore. Everywhere we'd go, we'd be reminded of her." I inhaled another big breath of air. "B-but when we moved here... it got worse. A lot worse. Turns out, her ghost apparently followed us. Her arrival awakened the ancient spirits here in Tokachi. The same ones who weren't put to rest thirty years ago. A lot of people died back then..."

Tears began to fall down my face uncontrollably.

"And now, because of me, it's happening again." Suddenly, I had lost control over my words. "If I had just grabbed her when she was falling, she wouldn't have died. If... if I had just listened to her, she'd be here. Maybe if I had talked her out of that date or... or helped her with the prank she wouldn't be dead, she'd be here with me, with us. She'd be alive! Arisa would have been alive if it wasn't for me! I killed her! It was my fault that she died! I killed--"

"Ayuna! Hey! It's okay..." He whispered again, taking me into his arms to comfort me. I began to sob in his chest.

"Listen, it's not your fault she died, okay? When my father died, I thought it was my fault too because I witnessed him getting killed. I just stood there and watched him die right in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it. You might think Arisa had died in your hands, but she didn't. I mean, what can you do, I guess? It's nobody's fault she died. You can't control death. It'll happen to all of us, okay? You were just... unlucky to be there. But it's not your fault."

"I guess you're right." While wiping my eyes, I looked back down at the scenery which we were close to. "But ever since her death, I've been overcome by guilt, anger and anxiety. It's getting worse too. I'm seeing things that I'm not supposed to see. Things that--."

"The other world." Yuki interrupted.

"How did--"

"I know what happened thirty years ago. My grandfather had been a part of the incident. He had died whilst trying to get rid of the spirits. Imminently, he got possessed himself."

Dead TwinWhere stories live. Discover now