Chapter 2 ~ The Case Of The Deadly Chase

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My mother, I thought. Frantic and scared, I ran to the door and banged on it.
"Let me out!! What's going on?! Let me out!!!" I banged and yelled, but my dad wouldn't open. I had to act fast. In two minutes or less, my mom would be dead, and I wasn't about to lose her too. I lifted my mattress and looked for a paper clip. Bingo. I raced to the door once more, and finally got it to open. I ran to my mom's room.
"Mom?? Mom, where are you?! "
"On the stairs!!!!" She shouted back. I ran downstairs and found my dad chasing after her with a wooden sword. They were running out the door. I don't know what to do. God damnit they should be teaching us what to do in these kinds of situations at school, not how the book, "Lord of The Flies" correlates to World War II!! When will I use that information in life?? I had to stop him. I knew I did. But how? He was way older, stronger, and taller. Even my mom couldn't beat him! Well, I'm not going to just stand here and do nothing. Pull it together Ar! You can do this. I raced out the door after them, but instead of running towards them, I ran to the nearest house on the block, and knocked frantically. The door was finally opened by a blond man with brown eyes and a cocked eyebrow.
"Help, please! My dad wants to kill my mom! Would you mind if I used your phone to call the cops??" I breathed harder and harder with each second that ticked by. Another second, a bigger chance my mom dies. I knew it was only a matter of minutes before he caught up to her, and slaughtered her as if she was a cow with a broken leg. I shook the thoughts out of my head, and looked back at the man. He smiled, and went back inside, closing the door, and taking all my hopes with him. What was I supposed to do now? I can't keep trying each door on the block! They'd think I was crazy. Maybe I am crazy. What if I escaped from a hospital I was locked in and was demented? What if I was still locked up there, delusional, and unable to move past my nightmares. What if? These had become my two least favorite words. I heard a door crack open, making my dark thoughts vanish. It was the man I had been talking to, I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. Instead of wearing his pajamas this time, he wore a brown leather coat, and brown dress pants, with a badge on his right shoulder. Police Department. He was a cop, and he can help. I grinned, and gestured for him to follow me while running. He closed the door, and ran after me. I led him to a familiar park. Pin trees outlined the area around the gate, with a cobblestone path that leads to a nearby pond within the park. I had so many memories here. So many memories before my brothers were killed. So many memories and emotions that were happy for once. I wasn't going to let this event ruin it. I heard a women scream again, and quickly recognized it as my mother's.
"This way!" I yelled, and took off with the path, the cop two feet behind me. We reached the pond area, and my dad had my mom strapped to a nearby bench. This can't be good.
"See that man? He's my dad, and the women's my mom. My dad is trying to kill her. Please help me," I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. The cop gave me a slight nod, and went over to my dad. I decided to leave the park, I didn't want to know what would happen next.
I shook off a dizzy feeling, and opened my eyes. I sat up, and realized I was back in my house. But this time, I had a feeling I wasn't locked up by my dad, and I wasn't going to be punished. I think it was an act of love. My head started pulsing, and I laid back down. So many things could happen behind the scenes, and no one would ever know. My thoughts floated back to the man with the blond hair, the cop. Who would have known that he was a cop? He certainly didn't look like one with his bushy beard and soft brown eyes. He seemed so harmless. I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door, and tilted my head in that direction. I tensed up a bit. What if it was my dad? What if he had already killed my mom? What if the cop was no good? The door opened, avoiding my thoughts, and a women stepped in. She had perfect jade-color eyes. Her brown hair floated behind her, and her smile was majestic. I smiled, and leaped off the bed and ran to her. I cried, and she cried too. It had been so long since we've been so peaceful.
Hi everyone! I uploaded earlier than expected! I hope you liked the chapter, sorry the descriptions aren't the best. (It's a work in progress)

Also, the title and book cover MAY OR MAY NOT CHANGE throughout the story. It's because I really need some time to think about the rest of the description of the book later on and how it fits with the title and cover. Thanks for understanding!!
Upload may be in a week or so. Expect it coming!

So Aria and her mom?
The cop?
Any predictions on what happened with her dad and what might happen next?

PLEASE follow and comment and tell me what you liked and/or what I should improve.
Have a great day/night!

Love you all!!

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