Chapter 1

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Billy's POV:

"Kells, I really don't think we should be doing this, what if we get caught?" I whisper as we quickly, but quietly go towards her older brother, Spencer's car, a black convertible.

"Billy, stop worrying. We aren't going to get caught." She says with a slight laugh. I push up my glasses and give a small smile.

"It's midnight. And it's a school night. Maybe we should just go home and get some sleep." I say as she jumps into the drivers seat. "And I have to study for my Algebra test."

She rolls her eyes at me. And giggles. "Your such a nerd." I roll my eyes and smile.
"Billy-bear, stop whining and get in the car." She says as she puts the key in the ignition and starts the car.

I laugh at the fact that she used the nickname she gave me when we were six.

"Fine. But if I fail my math test, it's your fault kellbelle." I say, as she just rolls her eyes again. I hop into the passenger seat, and put on my seat belt.

She puts the car in drive and drives off into the night.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I ask with a smile, and push up my glasses.

"Well... I was thinking, we could go to McDonalds, then go and park up on the beach, and just sit and talk for a while, maybe go for a swim, then yes, we can go home and go to sleep." She says with a smile, as she stops at a red light.

"Sounds fun." I smile at her, she smiles back.

The light turns green and we drive for a few more minutes in silent, before we get to McDonalds. She drives into one of the drive thru lines, we order our food and go to the first window.

"11.45 is your total." A guy at the window says as he smiles at Kelli. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" Seriously? He's hitting on her? Ugh. I start to get in a bad mood.

Kelli looks at me, smiles, the turns back to the guy. He hands her our food and drinks and winks. She hands the food to me, before answering.

"Thanks, and yea, my boyfriend, who's right here." She says with a smile, and points at me. Then she drives off, leaving that idiot at the window.

"Boyfriend huh?" I say with a laugh, blushing a bit.

"What? He was hitting on me, I had to do something. And I like someone anyways. So, yea." She says smiling.

"Oh, do I know them?" I say, hoping its me, but I know it's not. We're just best friends. We've been best friends since we were 5. And besides, she's beautiful and popular. And I'm just the very unpopular nerd who gets bullied by everyone on the football team, except for Kelli's older brother, Spencer.

She laughs and playfully hits my arm. "Maybe. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is us getting to the beach, so we can eat our very fattening food, then go burn off all of the calories at the gym tomorrow." She says smiling.

"Fine. The beach is 3 miles up on your right." I say as she looks at me like I'm a nerd. Which I am. "Yea, yea, I know I'm a nerd." I say with a smile.

"Yep, but your my cute nerdy best friend." She says with a big smile and a giggle. Wait, did she just call me cute? I blush at that.

"Cute, huh?" I say with a smirk.

"Well, yea. But don't get cocky about what I'm about to say. To be honest, your wayyyyy cuter than most of the guys at our school."

"No I'm not. But thanks Kells."

"Hey, stop that. The girls at our school just go for all the jocks on the football team. And never really notice that sometimes nerds are very attractive. Same with guys. They don't realize that we, us girls, are not their play toys and can't just push and shove and throw us around like we are rag dolls." She says getting angry towards the end.

"Kelli, are you okay?" I ask as she pulls into a parking spot near the beach.

"I'm fine." She's lying. I know her to well to know that.

"Kells, I've known you since we were five, no your not." I say as she just slightly laughs.

"Billy, it's nothing, just started thinking about my dad is all." She says as a tear falls down her face. I lean over and wipe it away with my thumb. I know she doesn't like to think or talk about her dad.

"Hey, look, there's the beach." I say trying to change the subject back to our midnight getaway.

She slightly smiles and pulls into a parking space. We take off our shoes, she grabs a blanket, and a few pillows out from the back of the car. Did she plan this ahead? I smile and grab our food and we walk onto the beach and set our stuff down.

We start eating and we talk for a while. Then after we finish eating, we lay down on the blanket and just look at the stars.

"The stars look beautiful tonight." She says smiling.

"I know something that's even more beautiful."


"You." I say quietly, smiling at her.

She smiles back.

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." She says, giggling. "Thank you billy-bear." She pecks my cheek, and places her head on my chest, wrapping her arm around me.

I start to blush like crazy. I wrap my arms around her. We lay there in silence, looking at the ocean, and the stars. It's perfect. Everything, is perfect. Or at least It was.... Until he showed up.

"Kelli?" He says as he approaches us. We sit up and look at each other. Oh no.

Hey guys! So, here's the first chapter to my story, I hope you guys like it! Also, follow me on Instagram at belli_lives! Also go check out one of my besties story's at BelliLovee !!! LOVE Y'ALL!

Also, who do you think the guy is that approached them on the beach? Comment who you think it is. 😏💕

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