Part 4

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Splenderman had explained why you should never accept a rose from him and now you're...oh how to put this... YOURE FREAKING TERRIFIED OF HIM. But lets get back on track you've been here fore a few weeks now and you found out that slenderman is overprotective like crazy. He's pretty much like like a father to you but you wouldn't know you never had a dad. Today jeff and the others where going swiming with splenderman when you tried to go with slender stoped and said no.

(little time skip)

"Ok (y/n) going for a walk wanna come?" slenderman asks but you just ignore him. He sighs and leaves. As soon as he left you ran outside wearing a cute frilly bikini.

"Oh hey where you think you're going? You dont know how to swim." splendy stops you from jumping in and he makes you wear a flooty doughnut tube thingy.(you know what its called) and lets you float around in it.

After an hour of swiming you see slenderman looking for you. 'neather take the rath of him or drown hmm...welp good bye world nice knowing you.' you thought to yourself and you rool off the floaty thing and sink to the bottom. After a few seconds airbubles escaped my mouth and i start to black out till you feel someone draging you to the suffice. You start coughing water shacking violently as you feel someone trying to get the water out of your lungs. You open your eyes and see splender man with a gentle look and slenderman with a ferrous look.

"I-Im s-" you where cut off.

"YOU IDIOT!" slenderman smacks you hard enough that you fall to the ground. Slender sees you shacking and he realised what he has done.

"(y-y/n) i im-"slenderman was about to apologies till you stand up and stare at him with a blank face.

"I hate should just die..." you say as you pick up splendys shirt to keep you warm and storm off and go to your room and look at the merror to see that your face was swolen and you walk over to put on the clothes you had when you first got here (pretty much just a school uniform) your outfit was a mess it was all muddy. Then you get your school bag and your bunny and plased it by the window last you put on your bow and hid in your room till you knew that everyone was downstairs eating dinner.

You open your window feeling the frosty window and jumped out and landed on your feet winceing at your now sprained ankle you march onwerd to go back home.

(time skip)

it was an hour later when you see your neighborhood you see cops everywhere interviewing everyone looking for you. One of the cops see you limping over to your house and they all start to sround you asking questions. You tell them that you and Emma where chased into the woods and that she died portecting you and that you spent four days lost.

You where sent to the hospital and the next day you find yourself on the news and newspapers.

"Ugh there gonna kill me when they find this!" you worry till you see someone's head pop through the door he had black hair with blue eyes and looked like he was six and he had flower with a card that said get whell soon.

"Oh hey Andrew come over here and give you're babysitter a hug!" you say with a cheerful smile and he climbs up on the hospital bed and hugs you.

Andrew didn't talk much at all from what you know he only talks to you and thats just a little. The whole day you and him watched television till it was time for you to go home today andrew wanted to stay at your plase so you walked home with him.

"Im gonna go order pizza you know where everything is so feel free to do what ever you want!" you say with a smile as you go get your phone.

Andrew goes to your room and comes out with sheets and blankets and goes to the living room to make a fort. The rest of the night you hanged out in the fort till he fell asleep. You put him in your bed and clean everything up till you hear a scream you run into the room to see him crying you turn on the lights to find him curled up.

"I..I had a bad dream.." he said softly crying.

You sigh with relife and you give him warm milk to calm him down and he goes to sleep . 'for a minute i tought they had him...' you tought for a minute then went back to clean. Everything was at your reach so you didnt really have a hard time like you normally would at the slender manor. You where finally happy again at home with Andrew who was like a baby bro to you.

'Its good to be home'

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