Chapter Sixteen: Ginger Jesus and Laptops

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*McKenna's POV*

"Wha-how... Why are you here and how do you know my name?" The man in front of me chuckled and bent down to pick up the mug that was now shattered all over the kitchen floor. I would have helped, but I was too stunned to move.

"Your boyfriend, Louis. He told me that you've been lonely since him and the boys left for their tour. He told me you were a big fan and that I would love you. So here I am." I still couldn't move. I mean, how would you react if Ed Sheeran was sitting in the middle of your kitchen? Yeah, that's right. THE Ed Sheeran was cleaning up my mess. I barely even took notice that he called Louis my boyfriend. We aren't together like that. Yet.

Somehow, I managed to knock my self out of my trance and bend down to help Ed pick up the pieces of broken ceramic.

"So, you do have a beautiful voice, McKenna." I blushed. Ed freakin Sheeran just said that he liked my voice. This is unreal.

"Thank you, but it's nothing compared to yours."

"Oh, I beg to differ. It's so rich and soulful. And your range is very impressive." I smiled and we both finished cleaning up the floor.

"So, would you like some tea?"

"I would actually love some. Thank you." I pulled out two mugs and poured him and myself some tea. I brought him to the rec room and we sat down on the sofa, facing each other.

"So, tell me about yourself Ed."

"Well, I was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire and raised in Framlingham, Suffolk, but I moved to London in 2008 to be a singer-songwriter. I have a mum, dad, and an older brother, Matt. I really like people, adventures, music, and drinking. I also really like coloring. How about you?"

"Well, I can't exactly tell you much. All I really know is that I really like you, Cher Lloyd, and pretty much all country music. I really don't know anybody, and considering my contact list, I don't think I had any friends before my 'accident'. But I think I would like people if they gave me the chance. I really like rollercoasters, waterparks, so on. I play the guitar and sing. And yeah, that's basically all I know."

"Oh yeah, Louis told me about your accident. Not details of course, he didn't want to share any unwanted information. I just want to let you know that even though I just met you, I am always here to listen. If you ever need to talk, I'm just a phone call away." He ended with a smile and I couldn't help but pull him into a hug. He made me feel so much better. He also hugged like a teddy bear. I smiled when he pulled me closer.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked after we broke apart.

"I actually have something to give you." I looked at him, confusion playing on my facial expression. He pulled out an envelope from his pocket. McKenna. I recognized the handwriting immediately. Louis.

"Why do you have this?"

"Lou gave it to me. I don't think he wanted to wait for the mail to give it to you." I opened it slowly and folded my legs underneath me, getting into a comfortable position. My eyes scanned over the paper.

My lovely McKenna,

Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I miss your laugh, I miss your voice, your tiny feet against the hard wood floor.

I miss your sarcastic comments and your giddy behavior. I miss you, McKenna, and I hate missing you. I hate the fact that I wake up in the morning and you aren't there. I can't sleep any more without you.

But enough of this sad talk. If you are reading this note, you have already met Ed Sheeran. You're welcome.

How are you doing? How are your nightmares? I want to know everything. If you are upset at all, please tell me. I want you to know that I will always listen to you.

I love you McKenna and I will see you in two months.


P.S. Look up

Confused, I looked up and gasped. Sitting right in front of me was Louis. Not actually of course, but on a laptop. My laptop. I could tell becaust it had Beemo on the top of it.

"LOUIS OH MY JESUS HOW ARE YOU? HOW IS THE TOUR? I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! WHE-wait. how is my laptop here? The guy said that somebody picked it up and th- ohhhhhh. Well anyway hi." He chuckled at my rambling and replied, "Hey, Love. The tour is great, but I wish you were here. I miss you like crazy. What are you up to?"

"I think Ed has something planned but I'm not sure." As if on cue, Ed came bursting through the door. "You almost done, Love? We kinda need to go." I saw Luis tense up at the word love.

"Relax Lou. I love you."

"And I love you too. Now go have fun. Wish me good luck on our concert tonight."

"Good luck babe."


"Bye." I hung up and looked at Ed.

"Where are we going?" I cocked my head to one side and stared curiously at the man in front of me.

"If I told you, then I'd have to kill you."

"Well if you killed me, then there would be no surprise to give to me because I was dead."

"Aw shut it. Now come on. We have a busy day." I shrugged and went to go change. I slipped on son black skinny jeans, a loose peach t-shirt, my burberry trench, a chunky gold necklace, and a pair of Steve Madden booties.

After we get outside, Ed holds out an arm for me and I gladly take it. The wind is whipping at my face, but I don't care. I'm with the ginger Jesus. Nothing could be better. Well, except for if Louis were here. We head down the street and turn the corner. Suddenly, we take an abrupt left at the corner of a street and I gasp at the sight in front of me. Wow.



Hey soooooo sorry about the like no updates. And this was really super short and a filler but it answers some questions and leaves you with new ones. I'm going to bed.

Picture on the side is McKenna's laptop>>>>>>>>>>>

Peace loyal potatoes xx

~Your Supreme Potato (Erin)

McKenna's Outfit with Ed:

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